Friday, April 27, 2018

Tammy the Tooth Tutor!

Morning Meeting...
Mother's Day Follies is coming May 11th!  A few upper unit kids came in to talk about the Mother's Day Follies coming up. All kids are invited to put on an act. You do not have to be in the show, this is not required. There are Auditions April 30th and May 2nd during our recess time. If you don't want to participate in the show, it is a great show to come watch! It is a fundraiser for the 6th grade trip, so it is for a good cause.
Many kids in our class are very excited about this. Lots of great ideas of some performances that may happen among this crew. Check in with your child to see if you can help facilitate thier ideas.

We did our 2, 4, 6, 8 greeting. "2, 4, 6, 8 who do we appreciate it?"  Then we say the person's name and continue until we have gotten to everyone.

We played what comes before and what comes after! Beth calls out a number and you have to listen to what she will say to determine what number you will write. "What comes after 7?  8!"

Welcome Tammy the Tooth Tutor!

We were so excited to have her come in and share with us her expertise about teeth. She read us a story called Sugarbug Doug. "Follow sugarbugs as they try to destroy your teeth and ruin your breath. Learn how to stop them so that you can keep your teeth healthy for your whole life."

Practicing our brushing techniques!

Flossing, the correct way. 

Morning Recess.....
How about a little Gaga Ball!

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Shaving cream words

April Showers Bring May Flowers!!! Please make sure your child comes to school with boots and a jacket. Maybe even some extra clothes "just in case." If it is wet and muddy, kids will not be able to play on the playground and will be limited to the pavement, if they do NOT have boots. (Not a favorite among many.) We also are on the floor in our classroom a lot, so having muddy boots by their cubby vs on the floor where we sit and play, is a much better solution.

Morning Meeting....
We played a game called "The Zookeeper Says." Its like Simmon Says. The Zookeeper Says roar like a lion." If it is true kids will "roar like a lion." If the Zookeeper says "moo like a mouse" kids shouldn't do anything. Or they get tricked and Moooo.

Pass the frog, choose a "Teen" number. One person stands in the middle, has a teen number that he/she has to reach and when they reach their teen number they say frog. The person with the frog goes to the middle. The person in the middle who called frog gives the other person a teen number that they have to then start counting too. Repeat!

Number line math. Stories are told, each student has to listen and walk the numberline and then end up at the correct number at the end of the story.

Ethan has decided he's gong back to Fl. He wants more sunshine. First hes' going to take a helicopter. It was on his roof. He had to climb 5 steps up to the roof. 10-5 is what? "5!"

River was going to go to Mt Washington. She has to take a special trolly to the top of Mt Washington. To get to the trolly car she has to walk far. She has to take 9 steps. 10-9, what number is she on? Thayer "1."

Jacks goats got loose and he had to catch them. Jack is smart with animals and he knosw if he brought food it would be easier to catch them. He had to sneak 8 steps. 10-8, what number is he on. What number is he on Zoe? "8"

Sailor is at her Dad's house and the airport called, the one by her house. And the airport called and asked if she wanted a free plane ride. She had to take 6 steps to get to the airport. 10-6 is what? "4."

Language Arts... 
Shaving cream writing. Writing consonant vowel consonant words.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Quiet Reading

Coming up!!!! Mark your calendars. Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade will be going on a field trip to the Flynn Theatre to watch How I Became A Pirate. We will be going Friday, May 4th. Please send your child with a cold lunch as well as $8.50 to pay for the tickets. Please let us know if you need hlep paying for the tickets as we have money available for this. We will leave school no later than 8:30 and return to school in early afternoon.

Walking on the number path. Told through a story, the kids have to listen to the story to determine what the number is on the path that the person gets to.
"Stella is on number 10 and is going to visit her friend Willow and needs to take 7 steps to get to Willows house. What is 10-7? Oscar "3"."
"Sedsel was on number 10 she needed to go check on the baby piglets. She took 3 steps. What number did she get to? Zoe "7!" Correct! 10-3=7."
"Thayer was on number 10. She wanted to go to the hockey rink to shoot some goals. She took 9 steps because it's a long way from her house. 10-9 is what? Baden "1."
"Baden is on number 10. He got tickets to a professional soccer game He's so excited! He has to take 5 steps to get to the soccer game. What is 10-5? Narumi "5." That is right 10-5 is 5!"
"Nora is on number 10 she is going to go visit her grandparents. She has to take a plane. She ahs to walk to the gate at the airport. It is 7 steps to get there. 10-7 steps, what number did she get to?" River "3."
"Luca is on 10. He wants to go to italy. Its a really long way. Luckily he has a plane in his back yard. So he only needed to take 2 steps. 10-2 is what? " Correct 10-2=8.
"Oscar is on number 10. Oscar is going to Ti Kuan Do tonight. It's kind of far away. He only needs to take a few steps to get in the car. He takes 4 steps to get in the car.  10-4 is what? Lenora what is the answer? Lenora 6"
Else is on 10. Else is going to clown school and at Clown school they teach you to walk backwards. Else is going to take 6 backwards steps. What number is she on? 10-6 is what? Jack "4!"

Book Corner....
Dragons Love Tacos by Adam Rubin. "This bright red dragon has it all a fearsome spiky tail, big black horns and a delicious taco snack for when he gets hungry. Because as everyone knows, dragons love tacos!"

Quiet Reading....
Choosing books.

 Finding a space to read. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Happy Birthday Ashlyn!

Happy Birthday Ashlyn!

Morning Activities....
Lots of interaction of all kinds today. Converstaions of where babies come from to singing songs like "Doe A Deer" or "Beat It". Along with choosing thier activites to do at the same time.

"Doe A Deer, A Female Deer." 

Morning Meeting....
Counting from 100 - 136. Then we reviewed the chart which tricked many people today! The task was to fill in the missing letter among a series of 3 consecutive letters. So they filled in something like this; A,___, C. or P, Q, ____, etc.
We played the matching shape game. We were given a piece of a shape and had to match it with a partner who had the other part. Then we had to identify the shape and color.

We started off by playing number BINGO! Numbers ranging 1-20 on our cards.


Book Corner....
How Many Feet, How Many Tales.  A book of riddles. What has 12 feet, three tails, and sits in a window? Three bunnies, of course! During their walk through the town, two children and their grandfather tell each other riddles about what they see.

Language Arts....
We reviewed our letters A-Z. We repeat what Beth says, say the name, picture clue and the letter sound.  Our focus these days is the sounds that the letters make. We want to make sure we are saying the letter correctly and not adding anything to the end of the sounds.
We are seeiing lots of growth with kids in reading. It's great to do our stations daily where kids have the small group instruction. 

Working on handwriring is not an easy task. But since we have started the year, we've certainly come a long long way. We practice in our handwriting books regularly. 

Free Choice....
Coloring and creating popcicle stick objects like "fans", "machines" and "pereguin falcon".

How about some reading!

Or lets play with the Castle. 

Monday, April 23, 2018

Welcome Back All!!! We hope you had a restful break. Thankfully we have some spring like weather coming to us this week.

Morning Meeting...
Counting from our 10's frames. Reading the morning chart and filling in the missing parts (words and punctuation).

Counting with coins and gems, making number sentences from a story, writing the answers on the dry erase number bond pages. We worked with partners too, making a sentence that our partner needed to finish.

Language Arts...
We continue to work in our small groups with reading, Lexia and individual worksheets.

Book Corner....
I Can't Said the Ant  by Polly Cameron.  "A nonsense story told in rhyme about what happened when the ant tried to help Miss Teapot after her fall. Cast in the hero's role, the ant quickly summons an army of comrades and two spiders."

Free Choice....
Zoe is the mom, driving all of the teenagers to the store. The teenagers are on their cell phones.

Narumi showing off her split.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

REMINDER.... Please be at school with your child(red) in classes by 5:45 p.m. for the drumming performance this evening. Thank you.

Morning Meeting.....
We reviewed the calendar. We discussed the days of the week, the month as well as how many days in a week. And how many months are in a year.

Did you know......?
Ethan "Did you know that in a bus fire that the windows can come out?"
Skyler "Did you know there is over 100,000 sharks in the ocean."
Jack "Horses had little toes on their feet."
River "That penguins are black and white?"
Lenora "That my dog had 30 stitches.
Taber "A peregrine falcon is the fastest bird"
Else "Clowns are sometimes really really really funny."
Sedsel "Skeletons might be real."
Thayer "10 + 10 is 20."
Oscar "There are more bugs than humans in the world."
Luca "Chicken pox starts on your belly."
Baden "Cheetah's are the fastest on earth."
Nora "Sea snails in the ocean are connected to rocks"
Narumi "Flowers have to bloom before they show their pedals."
Stella "I have my own kitten."
Willow "Kittens cuddle with different people."
Sailor "I'm getting a puppy."
Zoe "Fiona use to have crutches."

Counting the days we have been in school. It's a lot of counting and repetition, but wow we are doing great.  Then we got really tricky and talked about what 133 means. 100, 30 and 3. Then we looked at many other numbers and their place value meaning.

Book Corner ....
Berenstain Bears Class Trip. "Brother Bear is all set for the big class trip to a honey farm. With Mama Bear, Papa Bear, and Sister Bear in tow for the sweet ride, there is bound to be a sticky adventure ahead!"

Berenstain Bears No Girls Allowed.  "Sister Bear can run faster, climb higher, and hit a ball farther than the boys, and she gloats over it. So Brother Bear and his friends build a clubhouse for boys only, and Sister is hopping mad!"

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Being Kind

We are working on ways of being kind. We are trying to remember our manners, saying please and thank you's, being helpful to friends, etc. So, we are reinforcing this among all of us. Today we started asking kids at random times throughout the day, "how were you a kind person?" So many ways we are all kind and helpful. Ask your child how they are being kind in school and ask them how they can be kind at home.

Morning Meeting.....
Counting by 10's. Reading the chart and noticing that once again Connie made a mistake on the chart! Zoe noticed that Connie wrote March and not April. Thanks Zoe for noticing this mistake and fixing it! We also had to fill in the missing part of the number bonds. We all reviewed them as a group and made corrections if needed. Nice work kids!

We are working on number partners to 10 as well as addition and subtraction with number sentences using number stories. We continue to practice counting to 100 in many ways. Feel free to count by 1's, 5's or 10's to 100 with your child. Whether in a car, before bed, during bath time, it takes just a couple of minutes.

Book Corner...
Little Chicks Friend, Duckling by Mary Deball Kwitz. Broody Hen's six eggs are about to hatch. Little Chick is worried that Duckling won't play with him anymore when the new chicks arrive. But nothing can take the place of a true pal. 

Good Night, Good Knight by Shelly Moore Thomas. Three little dragons in a far-off cave can't sleep. Someone needs to tuck them in! Luckily a Good Knight keeps watch and hears their lonely ROAR. 
Get Well Good Knight by Shelly Thomas. The three little dragons are sick in bed, with noses dripping and foreheads hot. The Good Knight tries hard to get them better, with yucky soup the dragons won't touch. What is a Good Knight to do?

Free Choice...

Zoe, Else, Sailor and Nora using blocks to build with and so much more. 

Zoe "Bob the builder."
Sailor "Can you fix it?"
Nora "Lets decorate."
Else "Lets put up a sign."

Zoe "lets have these as pancakes."
Sailor "you have 4 + 4. That equals 8."
Zoe, "you are right."
Nora "here are some more. There's now one more."
Else "We have lots of syrup."
Nora "I'm the youngest."(Nora continues to stack more blocks as pancakes.) 
Sailor "Zoe! LOOK!" "I'm the oldest and strongest."
Zoe "I'm strong too."
Sailor "What day is this?"
Connie "Monday."
Sailor "Do we have to clean up this."
Connie "No, you can work on it all week."

Boys, busily working with Legos. 

Sky"we don't want to hurt you."
Jack "Can you unwind this all the way (holding a Lego winch).
Baden "Zoom, zoom, zoom."
Taber "I'm underwater."
Skyler "Scanning detector. Scanning detector."

Luca "I want to see what this is."
Oscar (Flying his Lego through the air.)
Ethan "I can fix it."

This Thursday we are performing our new skills with Taiko Drumming. We have been working on drumming for the last week. Our Artist in Residence, Stewart has been teaching us about Taiko Drumming, and you get to see how hard we have been working at this, Thursday evening at 6pm. Hope to see you there.  We ask that students go to their classrooms at 5:45 pm. We also ask that students wear jeans or dark bottoms and red or maroon tops. If you don't have red or maroon, the next ideal colors are purple, pink or blue. Whichever color you have, the show will be great. 

We read a story about a duck that did all the work on the farm while the farmer lay in bed all day.  The ducks friends helped get rid of the lazy farmer and then all the animals worked together to take care of the farm!  Then we wrote about how we were helpful at home.  Lots of kids wrote about feeding their pets or doing the dishes!  What helpful kids!