Wednesday, September 26, 2018

ECO Friday

Don't forget ECO is on Friday afternoon. Please make sure your child brings a water bottle and a snack! It is looking to be a great day to start our ECO program.

Morning Activities.....

Matching Shapes....

Morning Greeting....
Each morning we have a greeting to each other. Today it was the high five greeting! 

Lucy shared her sock purse.
Grace "where did you get it?"
Lucy "my grandma made it for me."
Sierra "what’s it made of?"
Lucy "a sock."
Waverly "I really think it’s cool."
Dalton "when did you get it."
Lucy "when I went to my grandmas house she gave it to me."
Cayleigh "what's in it."
Lucy "beads."

Corrina brought in her stuffed puppy to share.
JJ "does it still run?"
Corrina "no it’s out of batteries."
Sierra "what’s it made of?"
Corrina  "plastic."
Beth "did you give your puppy a name?"
Corrina "no not yet."
Language Arts....
Making letters with wooden manipulatives.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Hi Friends

Morning Activities...

Waverly "Cayleigh, do you want me to teach you how to make a heart?"
Cayleigh "yes."
Connie "Waverly, that is a really nice thing to do. You're a good friend."

 Scratch art!


Morning Meeting....
Today on the chart kids had to answer the question "Did you ride the bus to school today? Yes or No."
Today we had a bus evacuation drill. It went smoothly! Ask our child about their experience with the bus drill.
We recognize on our chart words that start with the same letters. How many words are in a sentence.  We also take time to look at our Number Corner. We are noticing patterns, colors and numbers.
What do you notice about the things on our chart?
What number is grasshopper on? "21!"
What number will grasshopper be on tomorrow? "22!"

Evelyn brought in a purple egg to share.
Evelyn "I brought a purple egg that the Easter bunny brought me yesterday."
Lucy "Do you put the egg in the barn?"
Evelyn "Yes"
Charley "Why did the Easter Bunny leave you it if it wasn't Easter?"
Evelyn "I don't know."
Beth "Maybe he was practicing."
Hailey "I like the egg."
Evelyn "Thank you."
Hunter "Where did you get the barn?"
Evelyn "It came with a bunny I got."
Mila Where did the bunny leave your egg?"
Evelyn "My little sister found it."
Sierrra "What is the egg made of?"
Evelyn "Sparkles."
Syzer "How do the windows go open with it?"
Evelyn "They don't."

 Recognizing patterns through animal voices. Each of the kids had a chance to go up front to make their animal noises. "oink. cock-a-doodle-doo, oink, cock-a-doodle-doo, oink.

ECO is starting on FRIDAY! 
Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately. They should have extra clothes in their bags (ie: hat, mittens/gloves, socks, pants, shirts, etc.) They must have a water bottle and a snack for the afternoon adventures. 

Friday, September 21, 2018

Human Letters

Thank you all for coming to Open House to see what your child has been up to in our class this year. It was great to see so many faces!

We are approaching the unpredictable weather.  Please make sure your child comes to school prepared! Extra set of clothes is always welcome to stay in their cubby. We go outside AT LEAST twice a day. Please make sure you send you child in with everything they need to have a fun time with their peers. If you don't have something, please let us know, so we can assist.

We are in need of some snack items. If you are able to help out, please send in something we can share with the kids who "forget" or "don't have extra" snacks. Gold fish, Cheerios, Granola Bars, pretzels, crackers, etc. We appreciate the help.

Morning Activities.....

Waverly "I'm creating."
Connie "What are you creating?"
Waverly "I don't know, just something. But I need all of these."

 A round of "Spill the Beans"
 Charley and Grace 

Libby hard at work drawing on the whiteboard with markers.

Davern, Evelyn and Hunter are making fishing poles with magnets.

Language Arts.....
Letter recognition.  Building letter with pieces of wood! 

Human letters.....

Letters B
Letters F

Letters T

Letter A

Letter H

Tuesday, September 18, 2018


Open House is on Thursday this week. Open House is from 5pm-6pm. This is a short visit to see what your child has been doing in the classroom so far this year. Your child will give you a tour of the classroom. Feel free to ask them questions and have a good look around. Please remind your child that this is not "free choice time" but a time to show off their classroom. Hope to see you here!

Morning Meeting....
Each morning we gather around in our circle and read our chart. This week we are also learning about the letter Tt. William noticed that there were 3 T's in our morning message. We also had our very first funny voice greeting. We all took  turns going around the circle and used our own funny voice to say "good morning" to our neighbor.  Lots of great "funny" voices! Lots of giggles too!

Matching puzzle pieces. We do this often! Rhyming is a very important piece to their literacy. It is great for recognizing word families, recognizing sounds, etc.

Guest Visitor.....

Jen Boland, our school counselor, came in today to visit with us and introduce "Jen's Friends".
What's a friend?
JJ- "A kid. being helpful."
William - "You say hello to someone and say hi and ask if they want to be your friend."
Wave - "Ask them to play with you."
Gabe - "Being helpful and kind.'
Charley "Someone you like and love."
Dalton "Friends mean to go on the slide with us."
Sydney "share with us.'
Corinna "someone who is nice and not mean."

In Jen's Friends we are going to be learning about feelings and how to be good friends.  When we go to Jen's Friends we will meet on Wednesday's and Thursdays. So we will have small groups each time. Everyone/group will get a turn.

Book Corner....
Henry and Mudge in Puddle Trouble 

Counting Crocodilles 

Quiet Reading....
Charley reads to JJ.

Friends are reading quietly, together or alone.

We do a lot with math throughout the day! From our Number Corner (as seen below), to lots of fun games. We are working hard on number recognition. We have been writing numbers. We are counting along with the grasshopper the days we have been in school. We do this with the straight ole way of counting from 1, to counting with Unifix cubes, or with dots and fingers. We are also using math in our calendar where we recognize shapes, colors, numbers, days of the week and patterns!!!

Number Corner.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Engineers, Structure and Function

Morning Activities....

Practicing our numbers. We have been practicing writing our numbers. We also have been counting A LOT!!! We will count daily. We are even trying to count to 100 and its only our third week into the Kindergarten year. Feel free to practice with your child the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4. We have also been playing a game called "Spill the Beans!" We have 5 beans in a cup. Each bean has a red side and a white side. We have partners, shake the beans and "Spill the beans!" on the table. Then we fill in the number on our sheets that were red. It's been a very fun game for all.  We have also been talking a lot about patterns. Our calendar this year is showing a lot about shapes, and the kind of shapes that are in our day to day world.

Free Choice......

Woohooo!!! We have buddies from Elizabeth Tarno's 5/6th grade class. We had a great first visit. We met our buddies and then did a project with them to get to know each other a little more. It was a great first visit and we look forward to many more. Thank you buddies!!1

We started our new unit about Structure and Function.
1.) Engineer - a person who asks questions, observes, gathers info and invents things.
2.) Structure - thinking about it's shape and size. Thinking about how big, small or the shape of something that is created.
3.) Function - what we use it for.

Kids were challenged to draw a picture that might "hold water," ie: cup, pool, tea cup (were some ideas)or "something you can use to clean the table" etc.

We also had the project make a beanstalk with pipe cleaners. They had to design a structure that had the function of holding the "golden egg".  We hope you come to Open House next week to see all the cool things we have been doing over the past three weeks!

Computer time....
We have computer time once a week where we get to work on a program called Lexia. For those who don't know about this program, we will discuss with you more in detail at your parent conference in the fall. In a nutshell, Lexia is a developmental reading program. It is individual and follows along with your child. As your child develops a concept of understanding within the program, it automatically advances your child to the next level. From letter ID to rhyming and recalling parts of a story and so much more. 
We also have Lexia as a free time option. No one has to do it, but it is there if they want to do it.