Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Carnival tommorw


Sledding never looked so fun!!

THIS THURSDAY(Tomorrow)......
It's Pajama day!!!! Crawl outta bed and come on into school. Don't worry about changing. :-) The Upper Unit class is raising money for this "Pajama Day" event, so if you are inclined, bring in a $2.00 to support this event. ALSO it's Winter Carnival Day!!!! The Upper Unit also puts on a fun event. Also $2.00. There are all kinds of things to do. Nail painting, cookie making, fun games in the Gym, so much more!
Money is not required to participate in these events, but suggested. Everyone is still welcome to participate regardless.

This Friday is our last one. Please be sure your kids are ready to go out. Though with cold temps we may be out for shorter time or not at all. We will however continue our project inside if needed.

Baby its COLD outside.....
PLEASE send your child in with all appropriate attire to go outside to withstand the colder temps. That means HAT, MITTENS, NECK GATOR, BOOTS, SNOW PANTS, etc. Thank you for helping us with this. 

Matching 10's frames.  Adding 10's frames to equal 5 or to equal 10.  What two numbers equal 5? 4 + 1=5, 0 + 5 = 5. 7 + 3 = 10, 5 + 5 = 10, etc. Everyone got one card and had to match up cards to make these numbers equal 5 and then to make them match 10.

Math stations....
Puzzles matching "like" numbers, pictures, 10's frame. Foxes and Dens. Beat you to 20. Pattern blocks.

Friday, December 13, 2019


Number Bingo. 

Math Stations.....

"I made a pattern." -Tobin

 Butterfly race.

 Beat you to 10.

 Number matching puzzle.

"I'm just building." -Laney

Spill the Beans

"I'm making a rocket!" -Austin

Number matching.

Morning meeting....

Morning Chart. Lots of numbers here! And dare I say, they did a fantastic job. 

Everyone receives a piece and they have to find the rhyming match. 

We began this week with sharing. Every student has a designated day to bring something in to share. Please keep away from "toys". We rather kids show things in pictures or share about something they saw or experienced.

Making wintery chains for cheer for our "Boxes of Cheer" that will go to some people who may not have lots of family around this time of year. 

Thursday, December 5, 2019

"I would say this is a success."

It's always a good day when a kid can say "I would say this is a success." Thanks Austin for that reminder. Even a simple thing like making a building and completing a project or when putting three letters together and sounding out to find its a real word!  It's the simple things in life that make every day a success. 

Morning Meeting.....
We sang the song Apples and Banana's. They love this silly song all about vowels changing words to make a silly song. We play games. Do the calendar. Review the number of days we have been in school. We read the chart and discuss what the question or activity is every day.

Whats' the news?
Beth: "I went to Martha's Vineyard and had Thanksgiving with my family."
Evelyn "I went to PA and came back yesterday."
Laney "In my sun room pumpkins are growing."
Tobin "I ate turkey."
Renna "I went to Cape Cod to see my Nana. My cousins came to visit me."
Luke "I went to my grandmas house for thanksgiving."
Nava "I went to Philadelphia to see my cousins."
Greta "I planted a cucumber seed."
Sawyer "Yesterday my Auntie Raven came to thanksgiving."
Willow "I went to my grammies to thanksgiving."
Fin "I made a gingerbread house."
Ava "When me and my mommy went to get my hair cut we saw a boy dear."
Ryan "Ducks head broke off."
Molly "I went to my cousins house."
Austin "My brother got me a Nintendo switch and it hooks up to the TV."
Hollis "I went to my grandmas house and slept there."
Connie "I had 26 people over for Thanksgiving."

Language Arts.....
We have learned so many letters. Today's letter was Kk. Kite, kangaroo, key, kazoo,etc. We did a K page where the kids colored in the objects in the picture that started with K. Monday through Friday we have "FIT Time." This is very structured, small group activities. This weeks groups focused on word building, Lexia and focusing on letters. The word building group wrote on white boards making three letter words. dig, jet, man, mud, hot, etc. So fun to listen to these kids sound out their letters to make the words come together.   The  Lexia group worked on their letter recognition skills using the Lexia program.

Book Corner....
We've been reading lots of books around the winter season we are now in. Each time we read these stories we talk about some of these things; the characters, the setting, the author, where the front of the book is, the back of the book.

Writing number sentences and solving the problem. 6 + 2 = 8, 1 + 1 = 2, 3 +6 =9, etc.

More, less or equal to. Partnering up we play a game where each friend turns over a card and we see who has the card with more. The partner with more gets to keep the cards. Person with most cards wins.

Buddy Time......

There is so much value with having a big buddy! Thank you Elizabeth and friends for being such great roll models to the Kindergarteners. They love seeing their buddies and talk about their buddies even when they are not together. 

Playing dreidel with our buddies.

Free Choice.....

Austin "I would say this is a success."
He completed and made a fabulous fort. Nice work buddy!