Friday, November 15, 2019

ECO and Buddies

Last week at ECO.... Spiders!

Playing games....


Snow angels!

Checking on our critter homes.

Shaking trees and making it snow!

Buddy time Thursday!  Today we listened to Elizabeth read us the book Tacky the Penguin
Then we had fun with pattern blocks. Thanks Buddies!!

Playing Beat you Ten and the Butterfly Race. These games are number based having kids recognize the numbers they spun or adding the two dice together to get a number on the board. 

ECO Friday! (Today November 15th)

Playing an animal tag game. If you can get the flag you're the new coyote. If the coyote gets you, you're frozen until one of your friends tags you to free you. 

Walking our way to base camp.

Finding tracks with Dave. 

Nature notes.

More adventure finding tracks.

Pretending to be an animal and prepping for winter.