Trash Patrol! Yup, we did that. Well, some of us took on the task, and we are grateful for these helpers. Thanks Trash Patrol for your hard work, and for keeping our playground clean. Way to go!!! Loyd(our Janitor) will be very happy that you were such great cleaner uppers!
Trash Patrollers...Willis, Ryder, West, Ear and Bodhi.
Today the Four Winds program started. We were lucky to have Ellen (Eli's Mom) and Katherine(Eva's Mom), come in to talk to us about insects and Metamorphosis! What's that? Ask your child about it. Ellen and Katherine did a puppet skit, read us a book about Butterflies, then took us outside to look for some insects.
Four Winds Skit and the group finding our insect partner by making insect noises.
Katherine with Ethan, West and Grady finding insects.
Whole group sharing what they found.
Today the BBW, aka: Big Bad Wolf, came in to visit! He warned us he would be coming to see if he could blow our houses down. Mostly, he was unsuccessful. He was able to move some of the houses, but not make them fall apart. Nice job Engineers! After the BBW left, some kids decided to redesign their houses to see if it could hold better. Some found that they needed more "glue" (or in our case, clay) to hold the houses together.
The Big Bad Wolf trying to blow down Engineer Eli's house.
The Big Bad Wolf trying to blow down Engineer McCartney's house.
Have a great weekend!!