Gunny going in for a swim.
We hope you are enjoying this amazing weather, whenever you can. Kindergarteners certainly are. Lots of outside time for sure and new friendships are developing.
Fiona, Willis and Ryan...being monkeys.
Language Arts we read Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See, as a whole class. Again, using picture clues to help us read the words. We are also looking for new letters, Uu and Ii. In small groups we worked on writing our letters and saying the sounds those letters make. We used wiki sticks to build our letters and we matched letters to pictures.
Reading as a whole class.
Ryan and Bodhi, working hard to build upper case and lower case Uu.
West waiting patiently for classmates to finish
making the letter Tt before making the next letter.
Earl's mohawk helps him make his letters.
In math we worked on ordering and writing numbers. We cut out birthday cakes that had candles on them from one candle up to 6 candles. Then the kids put them in order. 

Willis and Eva ordering their birthday cakes.
Stories we read today: The Bearenstain Bears and the Big Road Race
The Marshmallow Incident
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