"Good morning ________, what's the news?" Was our morning greeting today. Everyone has a
chance to go around and tell us something they would like to share. Mostly today everyone shared something about what they were going to do over this Thanksgiving break. Many excited kids for their thanksgiving dinners and spending time with family and friends near and far.
In Language Arts we have worked on the last two letters of the alphabet, Zz and Qq. We have been practicing writing the letters and saying their sounds. Kids have learned that there are 26 letters in the alphabet.
We played Simon Says with shapes in Math today. We also did a cutting and pasting activity with a duck. Practicing directionality where you have to put the shape in front of, beside, behind, etc. Finding a shape that had a certain number of sides and glue the shape where asked. Lots of direction following today.

We had our buddie time with Heidi Hill's the 3rd and 4th grade class. First, we read the book
A Plump and Perky Turkey by, Teresa Bateman. Then we made a cool turkey decoration to bring home today.

Computer Lab Monday! Kids are really enjoying their time on Lexia and improving every minute they work on it.
Library Tuesday! Please check for books at home that need to be returned. Bring them back please so others can check them out. Thank you.
We also had P.E. and kids started learning about gymnastics!
Free choice is such a great time. So much time spent developing new relationships and exploring their imagination.
Earl, Kamden, Mazie and Bohdi working well together making their imaginary homes.
Grady, Max, Ryder, trucking in blocks to build their structures.
Fiona just can't get enough Lexia. "It's so much fun!"
Snack...yumm! Refueling our brains.
Have a fabulous time of food and thankful times with family and friends this Thanksgiving Break.