Language Arts we continue with our letter formation and letter recognition. We are also writing words using letters we have learned, which is almost all of them. Words like, "pop," "mop," "hop," "bat," "hat," "cat". This month we are also going to be working on our reading skills. Learning to follow words with our finger is one example of encouraging good reading strategies.
Math we have continue to practice with "one more". We played the finger flash game. We counted x's and o's and drew one more, and then told what one more was without having to count again.
Free choice time. "Making ships."
Lego building and Water table discovery.

Willis and Maddie taking their time to draw a picture that they will then write about.
Max working hard to be a writer and illustrator. He drew a picture with lots of detail and added a great sentence to go with this story.
Kamden enjoying his time writing.
Please do not send in candy with your kids for snack or lunch. Candy is not allowed in school. Thank you for understanding.
Harvest Dinner is next Thursday, November 10th at 5pm. We hope you can make it! ALSO, we need a "themed basket" for the fundraiser that happens at the harvest dinner, provided by the Kindergarten class. A parent is responsible to coordinate this. It was in a recent bulletin, but feel free to come to us and get advice. Who can be the basket coordinator??
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