Math class we worked on making sets, and adding one more. Kids rolled dice, whatever number they rolled they would put that on their white board, then add one more to complete the set.
After that math fun, we worked with pattern blocks, making our own creations.
It is so great to have sunshine and fresh snow at recess. West, Max, Bodhi and Grady making ginormous snowballs for their fort.

Please help your child stay healthy. Help your child to get a good nights rest, drink plenty of fluids, make healthy food choices, etc. Most sicknesses this week have been the nasty cough or even feverish. Remind them to wash their hands frequently, cover their mouth when they cough or sneeze and use a tissue to blow their nose.
We read a few books today...
The Shark Who Was Afraid of EVERYTHING! by Brian James
Who's Afraid of the Dark? by Crosby Bonsall
Dear Children of the Earth by Schim Schimmel
A very powerful letter from "Mother Earth" about her love for each and every child, all things living and asks for their love and appreciation in return.
This was the best of the three books we read today as it sparked lots of great conversation almost every page. It really made the kids think about things and what they can do to be "loving" to the earth and each other.
OUTSIDE ART CLASS.....Brilliant!!!
Heather saw an opportunity for some outdoor classroom learning, and took it! Not only was their fresh air, but this fresh snow made for great sculptures.
Azza- "I made two little tiny snowmen."
Ryder - "I am making a bionacle."
Grady and West made "a baby and daddy snowmen."
Eva, Molly and Bodhi - "we made a castle."
Eli - "I made a snow sculpture like a cave."
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