Willis - "This is my lego guy flashlight. I got it from my sister's birthday."
Eva - "I am doing Marry Poppins dance rehearsal today."
Eli - "I got this Eskimo from my uncle who got it from Russia. It's a Nanette people who are native. They are reindeer herders and hunters."
Max brought in his new Batman car that he got with his grandma.
Molly told us about her dance performance coming up. Break a leg Molly!
Kamden shared his cars with the class.
Mazie "This is my new horse that she got for $50 at a yard sale."
Maddie "This is a hatchimale, its really special because it's $29.00. It hatched after my sisters. It can turn on and roll. It can repeat your voice."
Evan shared his new sunglasses.
Ryder brought in is big truck, little trucks, fire man, and planes.
Science......Design/Build a cast

Dr. Macky used all her resources and healed Earl with a great cast.
West was hurting, until he found Dr. Azza. She fixed him right up.
Assistant Beth, getting materials for the doctors.
Dr. Maddie, fixing up Ethan.
Dr. Ryan, was very cautious attending to his "patient" Molly.
Dr. Willis worked really hard to make Eva all better with his cast.
Dr. Grady made a strong cast for Connie. She could barely get out of it!
Evan is all set. Feeling better already.
Eli is feeling much better now that Dr. Mazie fixed his broken arm.
Dahlia is questioning if this cast is going to do the job!

All the Kindergarteners went to 1st grade where they meet with and hung out with Gina for a little while this morning. A few favorite things they did was "playing with legos," "drawing" and "EVERYTHING!" These guys are totally ready for 1st grade.

If you haven't already sent in money ($11/kids, $13/Adults) please do so. You also need to send in a bagged lunch for your child that day as well. It's going to be a great cumulative day for us as Kindergarteners.
FOUR WINDS...... Flowers
Ellen and Kathleen showed us the different parts of a flower.
We dissected flowers and figured out their parts and where they belong, like a puzzle.
Dissecting flowers
Putting the paper puzzle together to make a complete flower.
Tasting fruit and seeing the seeds in the fruit. (Apples, cucumbers, peppers)
Finding flowers outside and seeing the different stages.
And, drawing a picture of a flower and identifying its many parts.
Nice flower Willis!
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