If you are able and can bring in some snacks to share with these growing kiddos, we would greatly appreciate it. (Goldfish, apples, clementines, graham crackers, granola bars, pretzels, cheerios, etc.)
Morning Activities....
Shapes, Shapes, Shapes. We just can't get enough. As usual we get our shape piece and have to match with a partner. We "Whispered' how many sides and what's the name of your shape?
Find something bigger than the frog; bean bag chair, pillow, block, teapot, chair, etc.
Find something smaller than the frog; cow, cube, sticks, piece of chalk, lincoln log, train, eraser, block, etc.
Dice match up! With partners we take turns rolling two dice and then the one who doesn't roll has to match with their fingers what was rolled. Then take turns.
Roll the dice. Write your number then draw a picture of three of the same shape. Then draw three more of a different shape.
Books we read....
Froggy Learns to Swim
Wait and See
Free Choice....
Lenora has learned to tie her shoe!
A fabulous airport.
Ashlyn, Stella and Willow playing house.
Lego boys
Thayer measuring. "It took 12 scoops to fill that cup."
Skyler always making clay creations.
Luca -Its all in the details.
Many hands make light work.
When the job is done, Meditate!

Organized ski gear chaos!
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