Monday, February 19, 2018

Morning Meeting....
This weeks challenge....NO CALLING OUT! We are working on kids being respectful when others are talking and also raising our hands when we want to be heard.

We shared "what's the news" today. Everyone went around the room and shared what they did this weekend.

Letter matching. We were handed either a lower case letter or an upper case letter and then you had to walk around and find it's match. Lowercase "n" to uppercase "N".

Practicing writing numbers on our white boards. We had to write the number that "comes next." Beth would say a number and kids had to write the number that came next.

We continue to work on number bonds. This time we have to figure out where the lines for the number bonds go. We are connecting the bonds to create the proper equation.

Language Arts....
We are continuing with our stations. We have the folder station that kids work on individual worksheets that practice writing letter and recognizing and making words.  We are also practicing writing their names using lines on the paper, writing a capital letter for the first letter in their name and then using the rest lower case. We also have a station for Lexia on the iPads and reading books in small groups.

Book Corner....
Captain Peppers Pets   Anything but a parrot! Captain Pepper wants a pet. He wants to be different . . . he wants to be famous . . . so a boring old parrot just won’t do. The fiery captain sets his pirate crew to find the perfect pet. They try a hippopotamus, a monkey and a leopard – each with hilariously disastrous results. Finally, they alight upon a python and Captain Pepper is delighted! But the last laugh is on him when his not so cuddly companion has him for dinner! At last his browbeaten crew can sail home in peace. 


 Future Olympians practicing the skeleton run.

Mermaids and Mermen.

Boys Ahoy!

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