Friday, May 31, 2019


FIELD TRIP coming up! Please send in your child's money. $6.50 is all we need. Our field trip is on June 11th. 

Math Stations.....

Health Class with Mrs. Robinson......
Health Riddles
"I'm used to cover my nose when I sneeze. I use a body part."
"I have brissles, long and thin and keep your teeth clean."
"I'm used to keep your hands and body clean. I'm used with water."
"I'm used to cover the nose when you sneeze and I am made of paper."

Sorting Game!
Everyone got an object and needed to sort it based on whether or not we can share or not share that with a friend here is what we came up with.
Sharing is ok....
bookmark, book, bean bag toy, wristband, marker, crayon, clip, bead, massager, flashlight, paper, lotion.
Sharing is not ok...... if it goes on your head or in your mouth, you should not share.
straw, comb, spoon, cup, toothbrush, medicine, sunglasses, mouth guard. hat.

Practicing counting to 100 with Connie and Beth! Way to go kids!

Science FRICTION....
Force and Motion.
We watched a video with Mrs. Frizz and the Magic School Bus. Who doesn't like Mrs. Frizz on a rainy day. We talked about Friction.
Some questions we had to think about friction. "What does friction mean?"
Libby "it means when there is no space on a surface. We are not slipping and sliding because of friction"
If something doesn't have friction the object will keep going.
Q: "Would a smooth table top or a bumpy table top have more friction?"
A: Corrina, "Bumpy!" Bumpy slows you down."
Q: "Would an Ice Rink or a field of grass have more friction?"
A: Syzer "the grass."
Q: What if you had shoes completely flat or shoes with nibbly nobblies have more friction?
A: "The nibbly nobblies have more friction."

Types of actions without Friction....
Skiing, Sliding, skating, playing shuffleboard, sliding, water skiing to name a few.

French Class Outside

Pulleys, ropes and carabeaners, buckets, OH MY!!!!!

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