Friday, October 18, 2019

Fire trucks, leaves and buddies!

We had a fire assembly on Tuesday. Our local Warren Fire Department came to teach us about our fire department, what to do in an emergency and we were able to climb around on the vehicles. Thank you Warren FD for coming to our school and for keeping our community safe. 

Number Corner.....

Daily we review the "Number Corner" where we discuss the calendar. We talk about the month, days of the week, days of the month and on this calendar we talk about the pattern that is being shown. This month it is leaves. The leaves are different colors, and they also sit on the calendar in different ways. Sometimes there is a pattern of the leaf pointing left, down, up, right. Or we recognize the color pattern. We also look at the number line up to 20 and figure out what numbers are hidden. And of course we are always counting the days we have been in school! (We are up to 37!)

We continue to work on finger flashes, dot cards, etc. Counting up to 20. Starting at a random number and counting up the rest of the way to 20. We also practice writing our numbers.




"Making my own picture."

Pattern block creation.

Pattern block creation.



Car ramps.

Packing up to go to camp.


Building a course for the cars.

"We made it to our camp at the lake."

A big shout out to Kelly and Kevin for being our Four Winds volunteers. We will be seeing them at least once a month. They will be sharing something related to nature. We watch them perform a puppet show. We go outside and explore what we have learned. We draw and color in our nature books something about what we have learned. This week they taught us about leaf eaters. We examined leaves that they brought in for us and compared them to the types of leaf eaters that may have "munched" on the leaves. We took a walk outside and found some leaves that were eaten and decided what type of leaf eater it was that ate the leaf. We drew a picture in our nature books of the leaf we found. Thanks for the fun times Kelly and Kevin!

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