We have been in school for 90 days! Pretty soon it will be our 100th day and around here, its a BIG deal! We have learning how to count by 1's to 100, by 10's and we have recently been trying by 2's. If you have a chance to count with your child, definitely do so. In the car. The bathtub. Before bed. At the dinner table. Any chance you get. They are all very proud of their counting.
10, 20, 30, 40, 50,....100!!!
Language Arts....
We have been working hard on our reading these days. We have developed some reading groups. We are practicing daily reading in our groups. Always encourage reading at home.Science: Human Body....
This is our science unit for a little while. Today we learned about different parts of the body and they ways in which our bodies work. Today we had an outline of a body and then there were many parts of the body that we had to figure out where on our outline it would go.
Tell me something about the brain....
Evelyn "for thinking."
Greta "for when you need it when there is a problem"
Ginny "to send messages to all parts of your body."
Laney "for memory."
Molly "brings food down your belly."
Laney "mushes up food."
Austin "there is acid in it."
Arm Bones.....
Evelyn "help you move."
Greta "the brain sends signals so you can pick things up."
Austin "they are special so you can bike ride."
Laney "they help hold your skin."
Beth "do your bones protect things?"
Pumps blood to your body.
What protects your lungs?
Fin "ribs"
Austin "its a rib cage."
What is the leg showing us?
Luke "they help you stay strong."
Do the muscles help you move?
Do the muscles help you eat?
Do the muscles help you blink?
Do they help you walk upstairs?
Austin "what are the intestines?
Ginny "part of your digestion."
Free Choice....
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