Another week in the books!
Here's a look at what we have been up to at home.
Luke is a very talented kiddo. He can be seen play sideways!!!
Always smiling and having a good time.
(Sorry Luke, but for some reason I just can't adjust the photo. I like the sideways look!)
Molly working some Force and Motion.
How fast did the car go?
What did you use for ramps Molly?
Was the car faster or slower when you used the pile of books that were stacked higher? Why was it faster? Why was it slower?
Molly with her beautiful rock painting.
Luke and his sister working hard in their handwriting books.
King of the tire! Lookin' good Ryan.
Marshmallows on the fire anyone? Ryan and his family enjoyed some.
How many did you have Ryan?
Ryan carrying wood for the fire.
Looks heavy!
Ryan with is brothers and they all had a stuffy.
Did you guys all go on the trampoline.
"May the force be with you young Jedi!"
(Spelling comes in all forms. Way to go Hollis!)
Growth! Comes in so many forms.
This is a perfect picture of where we are in our life. (As well as what Hollis has been doing.)
We are growing with our "new normal," we are exploring what is growing in our back yards, our minds are growing, our bodies are growing, our hair is growing! 😊 Everyday is a beautiful new day of growth.
"May the Fourth be with you!" Nava was treated to a bit-o-Star Wars for breakfast.
Chewbacca and a Storm Trooper.
Laney riding bike in the Sugarbush parking lot.
Zoom zoom!
Laney's science! Awaiting the great Praying Mantis. Here is a cocoon of it.
Laney with her praying mantis habitat that she made. They will hatch in a few months and then they go into the garden to eat bugs!
Maybe you can take pictures along the way, so we can see what this turns into.
Laney, exploring the Bradley brook.
See any fish?
Ava is working hard in her math book. Nice coloring Ava!
Ava taking her little brother out for a ride. Nice driving Ava!
Roadster? Nascar? In your future.?
Russel, exploring some water.
Did you see any fish? Frogs? Frog eggs?
Beautiful reflection of the sky in the water.
Russell is raising chicks with his family. Did you know that Russell's family raises hens and sells their eggs. Also ducks!?! Here is a new chick that will one day provide eggs.
Evelyn, working on her strength to climb!
Maybe a Ninja Warrior one day.
Evelyn harvested some narcissus flowers. Beautiful!
"Signs of Spring!"
Evelyn made ramps to see which car would go the farthest depending on the height of the ramp.
Which one did go the farthest?
Brotherly love! Russell with his big brother Kam.
Tobin is working hard to make raised beds with his sister.
What veggies will you put in there?
The compost for the raised beds! Whew! You've got a lot of work ahead of you.
How many wheel barrows did it take to fill the beds you made?
You can come to my house to help me next.
Tobin out turkey hunting with his dad.
Did you see any turkey's? Why are you all camoflauged?
Nate and his sister are getting a story read to them by their brother Henry.
Nate is enjoying an Epic Audio book about trains.
What did you learn about trains?
Nate on a nature walk by a water fall.
Is the water still cold Nate?
Nate found a snake under their house.
EEEKKKK! We all know how I (Connie) don't like snakes.
WORM alert!!! Some good eats for a Robin.
Ava, did you give it to a Robin?
Ava went for a hike with her aunt and uncle and found a beaver house.
Did you see a beaver?
Ava and Fin ended up at the river at the same time and had a little "social distancing" fun.
Ginny, having a picnic in the garden. What are you growing Ginny?
Ginny has been spending a lot of time hiking in the woods with her mom foraging.
What are you foraging for?
Thank you for sending along your pictures. It is so wonderful seeing you all.
Keep up the good work!
We miss seeing your wonderful faces!
A message from Jen's Friends!
Jen’s Friends
Hi Kindergarten Friends,
I miss you so much. Rona and I have been doing Yoga to help us when we feel sad or frustrated.
Rona made up a pose!
Below are some links to Yoga books for you to try.
Send us a picture of you doing Yoga!
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