Morning Activities...
Rhyming words.
Quiet reading.
Creating lego villages.
Ethan - "That green one is a snake drinking water at the water hole."
Morning Meeting....
Recognizing shapes and colors. The shapes are getting harder. Not only do we know circle, triangle, square, rectangle, but we know oval, hexagon, trapezoid, pentagon, heart and octagon! Many colors besides the normal primary such as turqoise, maroon, etc.
What kind of people do you like to be around?
Many responses included; kind, friendly, helpful, nice, etc. "What goes around, comes around." Said Skyler. How you treat someone is hopefully how you want to be treated back whether it comes back to your right away or it can take time to come back around. But worth the wait. We continue to address ways of being kind. Never enough kindness in this world, but in our little world, we can encourage that kind of behavior all the time, and we are. Talk to your child about some ways that they are kind or what they think is ways of being kind to others.
Art show.... Today is our quick trip to the Art Show by Students in the Washington West District. We are going by bus to the barn at Lareau Farm Barn. You are more than welcome to go visit and see all the fabulous art work. All art work will be displayed until June 2nd.
Kindergartens amazing tide pools are on display!
Great hand painted chairs from our partners in the upper unit. Many are being auctioned off. You can bid for your very own. All funds are going to Puerto Rico. Go to Warren School website and click on the link for "Paintings for Puerto Rico"
Book Corner....
Ugly Fish by Kara LaReau. "Ugly Fish is ugly and big and mean, and he won't share his driftwood tunnel or his special briny flakes with anyone. That means the wimpy little fish who keep showing up in his tank have got to go. But then one day someone bigger and uglier and maybe even meaner arrives . . . and suddenly Ugly Fish isn't feeling quite so confident anymore."
The Little Red Hen by Philemon Sturges. "Little Red Hen is not a new one, but when this particular hen spies a can of tomato sauce in her cupboard and decides to make a pizza, the familiar tale takes on a fresh new twist."
The Raft by Jim LaMarche. "This is an imagination-sparking story about appreciating the simple, natural joys of the world and the people in it, and about discovering and exploring one’s own talents."
Outside Fun.....
Love seeing the daisies out and being used to create some flower crowns. Or wristletts.
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