Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Nature notes

While we may be stuck at home and not able to go to school, the ability to go out and enjoy Mother Nature, sure is WONDERFUL!!!!!
Here are some nature notes from our friends:
Here is to new beginnings! The sight of these flowers says "SPRING" to me.
It is a splash of color that comes when the rest of nature is starting to wake up and you begin daily to see new signs. Just like these crocus.  

Molly noticed that there are some buds on the bushes around her home. 
Another wonderful sign of Spring!
Do you know what kind of bush/tree has these buds?

Willow set up a tent to play in with her sister out in nature.
Did you hear any birds while you sat in your tent?

Russell loved the sunshine and enjoyed a little walk. 
What did you notice on your walk Russell?

Evelyn on her nature walk found a big old stump. 
What critters are living in that stump do you think?
Austin too on a nature walk found a big ole stump.
Can you count the rings on the that stump?

Austin along a path. Did you see any birds Austin?

Connie has seen many geese these days. Here are two I saw out in the pond.
What do you suppose they would be looking for in the water? 

This might be the biggest tree I have seen! This is soooo cool Austin!
Did you climb up this tree? How many branches did you climb on? 

Evelyn made a seesaw in the woods with her sister. 
Used a log and branch and then Upgraded to a plank with handholds Ev helped to fashion.
A great ole way to play in the woods! 
Was it hard to make a seesaw Evelyn?

Molly has been working hard writing about her adventures on her walks.  
Like the picture she shared (above), her writing reflects what she saw. 
Nice work Molly!

Molly continues to write and this time about a video she watched with her brother.
What kind of bears did you watch a video about?

Our Friends out and about!

Ryan helping with his sister. What a sweet big brother! 
I bet your mom really appreciates all your help. 

Beth took some time this past weekend and went horse back riding. 
Yay Beth! It looks like so much fun. This is something Ava has been doing with her horses too. 
Is riding horses hard? Was it scary? What was your favorite part of riding?

Science with Evelyn.....
Evelyn had some bubble snake fun! 
Make with a juice or soda bottle. 
Cut off bottom and put a sock over the end. 
Dip in water and dish soap and blow.
Looks awesome Evelyn. Thanks for the DIY project!

Sawyer having some activity time with legos!

I have been playing some games. Though not often because my family seems to be allergic
to playing games! Hmmm.😏
Here I played mancala with my son, Jonathan. 

Sawyer has been using his number chart. 
He's been counting to 20s, up to 100 and counting by 10s and 5s. 
Keep up the good work Sawyer. 

Hey Jen's Friend's, check out Sawyer! 
He's making a list of "ways to make friends"
I can't see his list clearly, but I bet there are some great ideas there.
What are ways you can be a good friend?

Sawyer having fun with some water beads. 
Such a soothing thing to play with and do. 
I wonder how many water beads are on your plate? 

Fin has been making tiny books for his his stuffed animals.
What a great idea Fin! I see you have worked hard on that. 
Looks like you have used a lot of details. 

We want to take a moment to recognize all you parents for all your hard work and flexibility around this crazy time we are in. When did you ever think you would be sitting home teaching your kids vs going to your regular jobs. For some of us, its a dream come true! For others, its flipped our worlds upside down. No matter your situation or opinion on this, we commend you for a job well done with your kiddos and families. We know this isn't easy, but know that we are here for you anytime! You can always reach out to us by phone or email, do with your kids what works for you, take care of yourself and each other. BIG HUGS!!  ❤❤❤❤

Keep sending me photos friends! 

We love to see you and what you are working on or doing for fun while learning from home! 

We miss you so much!!!!

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