Hi All! We have gotten through another week.
You are all sooo AMAZING!
We have some more pictures to share and hope you enjoy looking through them.
Next week is "vacation" week, but if you want, we would love to see more pictures, so send them along.
Continue to stay healthy! Get outside! And Hug your family members!
We miss you, we care about you, and we are sending big hugs to you!
A big shout out to FIN!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!
We hope you are having a wonderful Birthday week.
Fin making some yummy cookies. I'll have one Fin!!!
How many cookies did you make?
Luke is flying a kite. How long did your kite stay up in the air Luke?
You've inspired me to go get one and fly my own. I'll have to check into that.
Molly has been outside helping around the house doing some gardening.
Can you come help me Molly?
Molly, with her brother William is out in nature looking for frogs!
How many did you find?
Luke enjoying some down time snorkeling!
Looking good Luke!
Laney has been busy working on her families worm farm garden.
How long have you had these worms?
Laney shows us a worm that is helping her compost break down.
How many worms do you think you have? I bet a lot!!!!
There are a few things that go into having a worm garden. You need a couple boxes. Then you feed them your scraps of food. The worms break down the food and create beautiful compost to use in your gardens.
Greta enjoying some egg dying with her big sister.
How many eggs did you color? Great designs on the eggs too.
Great work. LOVE YOUR SMILE!
The class on Google Meet Monday morning! It has been so great to see you all during our meetings. Thank you for joining and thank you parents for helping your child during this time we have together.
Nava and her brother are in the kitchen cooking! They have been making lemon, strawberry popsicles!
Raise your hand if you want one!!!! I do! I do!
Nava I am so impressed that you and your brother are using a knife and doing so very carefully.
Do you like to cook?
Russell has been enjoying some time on his bike! Look at Russell go, he is riding without training wheels. Way to go!
Do you have a bike that you ride?
Evelyn has been working on a hand loom, weaving.
Is that hard to do? What are you making Evelyn?
Tie dying cookies with Evelyn anyone? I think we have a lot of cooks in the kitchen these days. I bet these kids will be great cooks for their families when COVID-19 is all said and done.
Those cookies are beautiful Evelyn. Did you make me one? Who wants a cookie!?
Wow, look at all that foam? This is one way to keep the germs away! 😉
This is Evelyn playing with some colored soap foam.
Did you make the colored soap?
Greta looking for frogs in her pond. She has been going a lot to see if she can catch one. Have you caught any Greta?
Luke playing in the sand box. Looks fun!
Did you make any sand castles? Create a constructions site?
Maybe you can write words in the sandbox. ?
Luke ripin it up on his bike.
It must be spring, kids are really getting out there with their bikes.
(Sorry for the sideways pics, Luke, but I couldn't turn them. Still super cool!)
A few things you can try....
Sawyer has been doing his sight words in playdough! What a great way to learn them.
Maybe you would like to use shaving cream instead. Remember we did this in class? Here is a picture of when we did. Renna had so much fun that day!
Don't forget that Lexia has lots of great learning to be had. A few minutes a day is a great way to boost your reading skills.
Links to watch and participate with.
Check out this video from our friends at the North Branch Nature Center about amphibian's crossing the road at this time of year.
How about a virtual nature walk from NBNC. I wonder if you can find some of these things in nature around your house.
DON'T FORGET Beth's YouTube channel. You can listen to her stories or do the activities that she has posted ANYTIME! Remember practice, practice, practice!
Ross has made us a video to watch and participate to, check it out if you haven't already.
Ellen has been making Yoga videos. Here is her latest. This is a great story and she shows you how to do all the moves. "My Daddy is a Pretzel" and demonstrating poses.
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