We had more "turn and talk" conversations in Language Arts. Today we looked at the books Knuffle Bunny and Knuffle Bunny Too By Mo Williams. Kids shared with a partner what they found to be similar and what was different by looking at the two books. Hear are their responses....
Bodhi- "I noticed she is small in one and bigger in the other."
Eli- "It's different colors."
Earl - "I think that Trixie is older. I think she is 5."
Fiona - "That one she has a little hair and that one is longer hair."
West - "I think one is a boy one is a girl. Knuffle Bunny is the same."
Grady - "Different color pants."
Maddie - "They are in the city."
Kamden- "She doesn't have the same clothes."
Ryder - "Knuffle Bunny is the same."
Max - "Trixie doesn't have hair in one but the other one she does have hair. She is older."
Willis - "They both have Knuffle Bunny."
Mazie - "That's a boy, that's a girl."
Eva - "They're the same people but different, she is older."
Lets do some partner reading too!
13, 14, 15, 16......
In math we are learning to recognize numbers in the teens with our fingers. For example, 10 fingers plus 3 more fingers is 13! The other game we played was working with a partner. Each person rolls the dice, and takes out that number of cubes then puts them on your board. Kids then take turns being the "challenge person." The challenge person has to change their amount of cubes to match their partners. In the last activity, everyone was given a string and had to go around the class to find objects. They had to find objects that were shorter than or longer than their string,
then write their answers on a "t-chart".
Word on the street was, "it was the most fun we have had." Thank you to Mother Nature for the beautiful snow we had to play in.
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