Monday, December 4, 2017

Morning Meeting.....
Reading gets better and better every week! They are really starting to understand that by sounding out their letters in each word and blending it together makes a real word! We read the chart and more kids each day are reading words. Such a great success to see. Today we are going to Fayston School for the "Wonder" presentation. We read the book We're All Wonders again as a reminder of what the presentation will reflect. We had a big conversation about people who are different. But different doesn't mean bad.

Recognizing triangles. Seeing many different shapes and identifying the real triangles. We also worked with rectangles and squares. Squares are in the same family as rectangles. Rectangles is anything that has 4 sides. Squares is the same. They are related. Today's math page was about rectangles, coloring them and make your own.
At snack Skyler made a great discovery when he found that some of his snack was in the shape of rectangles. Great observation Skyler! Many others found squares and rectangles in their snacks too.

Nora brought in a picture of her riding a horse that her grandmother took.

River brought in her dads old tie to share.

Ethan brought in a fishing trophy that he got for catching the smallest fish.

Else brought in a Tin Tin book. It use to be her dads when he was little.

Field Trip to Fayston....
We went to see Sam Drazen who was born with Treacher Collins syndrome It was a great presentation. All of the kids really seemed engaged and interested in what Sam had to say about his condition, what he went through over the years, etc. Kindness is a big deal in our world. We talked a lot today about what are some kind things you can do. What it means or looks like to be kind. What are some things we could do to be really kind to others?

* Make cards for other people.
* Make wreaths
* Make our parents a gift
* Make birdfeeders
* Make gingerbread houses

Art reminder....
The next color day is Monday, December 11th. The color theme for that day is BLUE.

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