Hula-baloo, hula-baloo, this is what I say to you..."walk like an elf." "move like a snowflake." Etc.
Counting, counting, counting! By 5s and 10s and 1s. So great to hear all the voices participating in counting and then to hear them counting throughout the day at random.
Winter Carnival...
We saw Santa, went for a ride on the Santa Simulator! Made snowmen out of pom poms. Made cookies of all kinds. Had hands, face and nails painted. Played basketball, lacrosse, soccer and threw snowballs. "Oh what fun it was to be in Kindergarten today! Hey!!!"
Ok, so there were a lot of treats! But man was it fun!!!!!
What's the News?
Taber "My dad ordered the tree an we decorated the tree and we first put lights on and I put on a beautiful ornament and it was glass and I broke it."
Nora "I'm leaving in 4 days.
Sail "I was with my dad and I was at Church and saw Beth and after church I got my Christmas tree and we decorated it and put lights on first."
Willow "My kitten looks like an alien."
Luca "I hung up y lights and have an advent calendar."
Lenora "One time when I was waking up at night time. My mom said come in her bedroom and there was a puppy and I let her down stairs and then I woke my brother."

Jack "Me Sky and Oscar had a play date."
Else "I am almost with the bigger girls in gymnastic."
Baden "For Christmas I got a new Drone. I was also the star of the show at church."
Ashlyn "I have a new karate class."
Thayer "I went to see the Nutcracker with my cousin and my cousins mom and my mom and my grandma."
River "After tomorrow I am going to leave and go to my cousin's houses for Christmas."
Zoe "I wanted to hang my stocking but mom said no. We have to use staples this year so we have to wait."
Skyler "I went to the Nutcracker and I also went Sledding."
Beth "I went to church and saw Baden, Nora, River and Sailor yesterday."
Connie "I watched my son play hockey and I had a great hike and ski with friends."
Language Arts.....
New letter, Zz! We then reviewed all the letters we have learned. We counted that we have learned 24 letters! We also reviewed objects starting with the letter Z. Zebra, zucchini, zig zag, zinnia, zip, zipper, zoo. Some of the kids recognized they have learned all the letters in their name.
We also learned Hh. Horse, hat, hot dog, hamburger, helicopter. We have one more letter to learn when we come back from break! The kids are so excited that we have learned all these letters. It's been so fun to watch them soak up all this knowledge.
We hope you have a wonderful break with family and friends. Enjoy the extra time to rest, relax and be healthy.
We will see you next year!!
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