We have been counting each day we have been in school. We have a chart that we look at each day using 10s frames. We count each day we have been in school and add the number that comes next to it.
A few friends that are enjoying the calendar.
Counting the days in the month and recognizing patters.
Counting the days in the month and recognizing patters.
River, Zoe and Luca (he's hidden in front of River)
In math today we started learning about number partners and number sentences. We used blocks and made combinations to 5, like 3 blocks plus 2 blocks put them together and that makes 5 blocks. We also started learning dot patterns. Beth would hold up a card with dots on it and the kids had to tell how many dots. The cards have 0 thru 10 dots in two rows of five. We are learning to recognize the amount without counting! That is tricky to start with!
Stella in Dino land.
Ashlyn performing on stage. Thayer is building the walls on the stage.
Lincoln Log building.
Zoe getting tea and treats ready.
Salon Else! Ethan was in great need of a trim.
Duck duck goose! Anyone?
Fun on bars.
Nora - "Im relaxing."
Sailor - "Cheese"
Letters with ECHO. Today ECHO needed helpers for the letters. Some of the kids came up to help with our letter cards. Kids would say the letter, picture and sound, then all the kids "echoed". Today we reviewed more with the letter Nn. Then we worked in our handwriting books to write the letter N.
We did some singing and dancing to the song Alphabet Boogie and Where Do You Start Your Letters.
We did some singing and dancing to the song Alphabet Boogie and Where Do You Start Your Letters.
We love to get our bodies moving!
The Very Boastful Kangaroo by Bernard Most
We gathered together this afternoon to talk about bugs. Then everyone had the chance to be a "Bug Reporter." Everyone told something true about bugs. Here is what we all said,
Sedsel-Some bugs have wings.
Sailor-Some bugs have legs.
Ethan-Some bugs have eyes.
Else-Some bugs have tails.
Ashlyn-Some bugs can crawl.
Zoe-Some bugs don't have legs.
Luca-Some bugs have antenneas.
River- Bees make honey.
Taber-Some grasshoppers can fly.
Nora-Bugs can have lots of different colors.
Jack-Some bugs can bite.
Skyler- Some bugs can jump.
Thayer-Some bugs can swim.
Stella-Some bugs can fly.