The boys were playing JENGA. The girls coloring bugs.
Zoe and Narumi discussing the months of the year.
We reviewed the chart. Practiced reading the sentences. Counted words in the sentences. We had a question that said "Did you get a book out of the library yesterday?" All the kids had to sign their name on either the "Yes" or "No" side. We counted the number of kids who wrote their name on the "Yes" side and the "No" side. Which had more? Which has less? We also played the shape game. Each of us received half a shape and we had to find the other half. We had some new pieces in the mix that we had to find. They are loving walking around and finding their match.
We talked about patterns and how patterns keep repeating. There were patterns on the board and the kids had to tell what came next. Triangle, circle, triangle, circle, triangle, circle ______.
Then the pattern changes. Circle, circle, triangle, circle, circle, triangle, circle, circle, triangle, _____.
And again, triangle, circle, square, triangle, circle, square, triangle, circle, square, ________ .
We then read the book, Busy Bugs by Jane Harvey. There were patterns on each page. We recognized how many different patterns there were as well as what the patterns were.
Ashlyn - "red, red, yellow, red, red, yellow." (color pattern with the hats)
Jack - "blue, blue, red, red, blue, blue, red, red." (flower pattern
Nora - "red, red, yellow, yellow, red, red, yellow, yellow. (bow tie pattern)
Luca - "hop, hop, slide, hop, hop slide." (pattern with body actions)
Thayer -"big, small, big, small, big, small." (different sizes pattern)
Then we practiced cutting and pasting numbers and matched them to the dots. If there were 10 dots they had to find the number with 10. We will be using these cut outs for future math activities.
We reviewed our letters with Echo. Then we talked about the letter M and learned how to write the letter M. Then we worked in our handwriting work books practicing the letter M.
We were making sentences on the board with Beth. Here are some of the sentences that were said.
Zoe -"I like to swim with my mom." (7 words)
Taber - "I like swimming in the waves with a whirlpool." (9 words)
Else - "I love my mommy and daddy." (6 words)
Jack - "I like apple picking." (4 words)
We asked which one has the most words? Which one has the least words?
We have had numerous kids out of school the past few days because of illness. Many kids have the sniffles, sneezes, coughing etc. There are two kids who are out with Croup. Please see the note below from our school nurse of reminders of when to keep your child home or not.
Let them stay home or send them to school?? This is an early morning decision many parents are faced with. There are those times when it is difficult to decide whether to not to send your child to school. The following guidelines offer you some help in your decision.
*Always keep your child at home if they have an elevated temperature. Temperatures should be normal for 24 hours (without Tylenol or Ibuprofen) before he/she returns to school. Children with a temperature of 100 or above cannot stay in school, and parents will be notified to pick them up.
*If your child has vomited or had diarrhea, please keep him/her home until 24 hours after the last episode.
*If your child has any rash that may be disease related or you do not know the cause, check with your family doctor before sending the child to school.
*If your child has eye drainage and the whites of their eyes are pink or red, please take your child to the doctor. Your child should not be rubbing his eyes if they are infected. If the cause is from bacteria, your child may return to school after they have been on antibiotics for 24 hours.
*If your child has a persistent cough, please keep them home
*Strep Throat: Children need to stay at home for 24 hours after antibiotic treatment begins and they are without a fever.
*Influenza: Children with influenza are typically contagious 1 day before getting ill through 5-7 days after the onset of symptoms. Please keep your child home for this time period if they are diagnosed with Influenza.
*Please notify the school immediately if your child develops a communicable disease (strep throat, Influenza, chicken pox, impetigo, scarlet fever, pink eye, pertussis (whooping cough), etc.)
*If your child becomes ill or is injured during the school day, you will be notified so arrangements can be made for your child to be taken home. Please notify the school if your phone number changes so we can contact you.
*Please read the letters that are sent home by the school nurse. If there is a communicable disease in your child’s classroom, you will be notified.
* Children should be dressed appropriately for the season and specific weather.
*To prevent the spread of infection:
o Use good hand washing
o Cover the cough
o Keep your child home if they are sick
Thank you!
Deirdre Fennelly
Warren School Nurse
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