Thursday, September 21, 2017


Morning Meeting....
We started off reading the chart, recognizing the number of words in each sentence, helping to read each sentence, and read the numbers in our activity portion of the chart.

We then did a matching of shapes activity. Beth handed out half of a shape to each kid and at the sound of the bell they walked around to meet their friends who had the matching half. They have to identify the color and the shape as well as greeting their partner.

Skyler and Ashlyn have the pink heart.

 Zoe and Sedsel have the green oval.

 Else and Stella have the purple rhombus.
Taber and Sailor have the yellow circle.

Nora and Jack, Willow and Narumi found their matches.

We worked on number recognition and writing our numbers.  Then we had white boards and practiced writing numbers.


Most of the class during free choice made a unifix cube train the length of the classroom and used all of the cubes. Then they all laid down next to the cubes to show how long it was. (I couldn't fit all of it in one picture. This shows only 2/3 of the whole length.

Why do we learn letters?
To help us with reading, know the sound, how to write it and how to write the letters and words.
We read the story Sheep in a Jeep by Nancy Shaw
If we heard a rhyme in the story we gave a thumbs up. They were all getting the hang of it quickly and picking up on the rhyming words. 
We worked more on the letter Bb and practiced in our handwriting books how to write the letter Bb.

This week we have talked about what makes a sentence. During morning meeting we notice that there is more than one word, the beginning starts with a Upper Case letter and there is a period at the end. Today the class had a chance to tell us a sentence and Beth and Connie wrote the sentence for them. Then they all went off on their own and made a picture that went along with their sentence. Lots of very enthusiastic writers and great illustrators.

Narumi and Ethan doing their writing page. Adding a picture to their sentence.

The rest of the class working hard on their writing pages.

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