Have a safe evening tricking with our littles!
Please do not send in any candy with your child.
Morning Meeting.....
We reviewed the calendar. Talked about what day it was and that its the last day of the month. A new month starts tomorrow!
What's the news?
Taber "I got to catch a fish in the river."
Else "I ran out of water."
Narumi "I didn't have electricity at my house. Couldn't use the water or flush the toilet."
Nora "My tooth got lost yesterday."
Ethan "I'm really happy its almost Halloween so we can go trick or treating. My house didn't have power."
Thayer "I don't have one.."
Jack "I helped move cows into another pasture."
Sedsel "When the power when out in my house my dad poured water in my toilet."
River "I went fishing with my dad."
Skyler " I didn't really care that the power was out at my house."
Zoe "At the end of my house I saw a tree go across the power line."
Ashlyn "Mommy letted me dance by myself in her room."
Baden "I got a new costume kinda like for hunting."
Willow "A tree went down at my house."
Stella "A tree found down in our driveway."
Sailor "no news."
Connie "I still down't have power and we lost a tree right next to the house."
Beth "I got two special activities for today. It requires people to be good listeners."
A little sharing.....
Nora shared a very special note from the tooth fairy. She lost a tooth and the TF left a special note for her on a piece of bark. Then she had a few questions to answer from some of the kids.
Ethan also shared with us a special lock. That can lock stuff. Friends also asked some good questions.
Book Corner.....
Halloween with Morris and Boris
Counting! Girls and boys took turns counting. 10-0, from the number 30 - 40. start at 20 and go backwards to zero. Lots of thinking!
Many different ways to count and add the candy corn on our sheets. Great work by all. Excellent reward for our hard work.
Language Arts....