Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween

Have a safe evening tricking with our littles!
Please do not send in any candy with your child.

Morning Meeting.....
We reviewed the calendar. Talked about what day it was and that its the last day of the month. A new month starts tomorrow!

What's the news?
Taber "I got to catch a fish in the river."
Else "I ran out of water."
Narumi "I didn't have electricity at my house. Couldn't use the water or flush the toilet."
Nora "My tooth got lost yesterday."
Ethan "I'm really happy its almost Halloween so we can go trick or treating. My house didn't have power."
Thayer "I don't have one.."
Jack "I helped move cows into another pasture."
Sedsel   "When the power when out in my house my dad poured water in my toilet."
River "I went fishing with my dad."
Skyler " I didn't really care that the power was out at my house."
Zoe "At the end of my house I saw a tree go across the power line."
Ashlyn "Mommy letted me dance by myself in her room."
Baden "I got a new costume kinda like for hunting."
Willow "A tree went down at my house."

Stella "A tree found down in our driveway."
Sailor "no news."

Connie "I still down't have power and we lost a tree right next to the house."
Beth "I got two special activities for today. It requires people to be good listeners."

A little sharing.....
Nora shared a very special note from the tooth fairy. She lost a tooth and the TF left a special note for her on a piece of bark. Then she had a few questions to answer from some of the kids.

Ethan also shared with us a special lock. That can lock stuff. Friends also asked some good questions.

Book Corner.....
Halloween with Morris and Boris

Counting! Girls and boys took turns counting. 10-0, from the number 30 - 40. start at 20 and go backwards to zero. Lots of thinking! 

Candy Corn Counting....
Many different ways to count and add the candy corn on our sheets. Great work by all. Excellent reward for our hard work. 

Language Arts....
White boards, dry erase markers and erasers....oh my!! Practicing our letters and writing them on the white board. Today we learned how to write the word BAT.  Then we had a special project, making our very own BATS!  

Friday, October 27, 2017

Jack and the Beanstalk

Morning Activities.....

Morning Parade....Great costumes by all. We hope you go out to support the Trick or Trot and Monster Bash festivities this evening. 
Kids run at 4:30pm
Trick or Trot at 5:00pm
Family fun Monster Bash at 5:30pm with free pizza, treats, dance party and class basket raffles.

"Delicious" Math....
Math doesn't get better than this! Today we worked with Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheerios to add with. Everyone had their own boards divided into three boxes, each box represents a number. Beth would write a number sentence on the board and the kids had to build that number sentence to make it more concrete. When they completed their sentence and came up with the answer, they could eat their cheerios.

Language Arts....
Today we used wiki sticks to create our letters. It's a big challenge from writing with pencils and markers. Definately got our brains working on this activity.

Free Choice/Recess....

Gaga pit was a little water logged. But that doesn't stop these kids from working together to try to dry the puddle out. Unfortunately the puddle was bigger than the sand available for the pit.

The trio of dancing and singing.

Upside down posy!

Being Engineers requires lots of thinking and experimenting.  Having to figure out the function of an object that is being created. If it doesn't function for what it needs to do, try again a different way. Today we were Engineers to make Beanstalks. We read Jack and the Beanstalk. Then were given 20 pipe cleaners to build our own beanstalk. It had to be stable, stand on its own and be tall (like a bean stalk).

GREAT WORK TO ALL! Thank you friends who finished and helped other friends brainstorm different ways to make their beanstalks work. 

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Letter Aa

Morning Activities.....

Morning Meeting....
Matching shapes with partners. Everyone got a shape then we walked around the room to to find our partner with the matching shape and color. We also worked on finger math. Beth showed us a number, then we all showed her that number with our fingers. Some numbers we showed more than one way to make that number. I.e.: 7 = 2 fingers and 5 fingers. OR 4 fingers and 3 fingers. etc.
We did some whiteboard math also.

Language Arts....
Echo shared a new vowel, letter Aa with us today. We checked out a bunch of objects that started with the letter Aa. Alphabet, address, apple, astronaut. We had a new chart Arron the Anteater.
We also learned how to write the capital letter A.
Free choice time.... and lots of inside time to! Too wet and rainy today.

Ethan reading to Taber.

 Stella reading quietly.

Halloween coloring pages.

Oh boy, salon day! Teachers are big suckers for a day at the salon.
Narumi - What do you want donw?
Connie - Wash, trim, style please.
Thayer - Can I braid?
Narumi -Yes you can!
Thayer - do you want your hair to be dyed?
Connie- Yes. 
Nora - We have all kinds of colors. Ok, we will make it rainbow. Would you like some dark on top?
Connie - Ah, ok. Do whatever is needed to make it look good.
Narumi - Take some of this, it's medicine.
Connie - Ok, why did I need medicine? I thought I was at the salon not the Doctors.?
Narumi - No kidding, you have a case of the lice. In two weeks. No kidding. 
Connie - Oh man! Thanks Ru for the warning.