Recognizing vowels. Yesterday we learned about the vowel U. We were in our meeting and the kids had a chance to recognize how many vowels were in each of their names. They looked at their spots on the floor an counted how many vowels are in your name?
Our morning greeting was a new one, "the cow greeting." With our hands we made udders and each of us turned to our neighbor and pretended to milk the udder saying "good morning _______". It was another hand shaking activity. Kids were super into it and getting lots of giggles.

Show three fingers. Now show 3 in a different way, ie: two
fingers on one hand, one finger on the other. We did this many times with a different number each time.
We worked on white boards, practicing writing numbers. Beth would ask.....
Beth - "How many alligators in your bath tub at home?"
Kids would write on their board 0.
Beth - "How many tongues are in your mouth? Ready... flash!"
Kids wrote the number 1 and when Beth says flash, they would show their board.
Beth - "How many wheels are on a tricycle? Get ready, flash!"
Beth - "How many noses on Connie's face?"
Beth - "How many sides does a triangle have?"
Beth - "How many ice cream cones are in circle right now?"
Beth -"How many eye balls do you have?"
We switched up the game and give the number on the board. Beth wrote a number on her board and the kids had to identify the number and draw that number of items on their board.
Beth's number - 4 "Draw this many things."
Beth asks "what did you draw?"
River - "Four coins."
Baden - "Four snowman's"
Beth put the number 7 on her board.
Skyler - "7 coins."
Ashlyn - "7 lolilpops"
Jack - "7 polka dots."
Stella - "7 circles."
Ashlyn- "Nora, look out, I'm doing something very dangerous."
Skyler -"Connie, look, a print."
Baden - "It's a moose track."
Taber -"Yeah, its a moose track."
Luca -"It's a big track."
Jack - Looks at Connie and says "Is it a moose?"
River, Narumi, Sedsel and Zoe play in the sand.
Language Arts.....
We are learning about Rhyming. Today we started out by coming up with words that rhyme with Cat.

Else- "Mat"
Jack - "Hat"
Nora - "Zack." Beth, "that's close, but they don't rhyme."
Baden - "Attack" Beth, not quite.
Stella - "Sat"
Zoe - "Chat"
Ashlyn - "Kitty, bitty." Those words rhyme together but not with Cat.
Rhyming with the word "Bug".
Luca 'Rug"

Nora - "Dug"
Jack - "Rug:
Narumi - "Jug"
Thayer - "Tug"
Baden - "lug"
Taber -"mug"
Sailor - "mug"
Ethan -"tug"
Else - "Tug"
Ashlyn "dig" Beth, "uh oh. not quite. But the bug will probably dig."
River - "slug"
We practiced our letters, names, picture clue and sound it makes. Bb, Ii, Uu, Tt, Ff, Mm, Nn.
Book Corner.....
The Big Bug Dug by Mary Serfozo
Henry and Mudge and the Happy Cat by Cynthia Rylant.
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