Morning Meeting....
A new greeting, the Robot Greeting. we use our imagination to pretend we are robots. Speaking in robot language and moving like robots also.

We read another Henry and Mudge book. A popular series of books to read in this class.
Henry and Mudge and the Forever Seas by Cynthia Rylant
Flash dots! Very enthusiastic kids calling out the number of dots on the cards. Then we learned a new game, Let's Go Fishing. We have to go fish for "number fish." Players have to know the number before they can choose another. If they don't know the number they throw the number fish back into the pond. There were numbers, the numbers written out, tallys and flash dots. We also had stations. Worksheet station. Number BINGO. Let's Go Fishing and Pattern Blocks station.
Kids - "What is that machine?" "How do you get on the roof?" "What are you doing?" What is this all for?"
Connie - "They use super powers to get up on the roof and put all these pieces together so our roof can protect us."
Language Arts.....
Echo talked to us about why we need to learn the letters and sounds.
Jack "so we can read."
Ethan "so we know the letters and sounds.'
Beth "why do we need to know them?"
Skyler "so we can spell our names."
Echo "We need to learn letters and sounds so we can learn to read and write. Two important things we need to know how to do in this world."
Magic C Bunny "Magic C. Do you remember that letter?
Kids "yeah!"
Bunny "we are going to listen to my song again. Can you rock and listen?
Kids "YEAH!" (Yelling with excitement"
Everyone listened and danced with the song.
Magic C Bunny practiced our letters with us. We reviewed all the ones we have learned so far. Ii, Oo, Mm, Nn, Tt, Ff, Uu, Bb, Cc.
We got to play with shaving cream today. At tables we practiced writing letters in shaving cream.
Skyler-"Writing S in this is easier than writing on paper." (ps: he is in a sling with his writing hand, and is using his left hand.)
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