Write the number 5. Yesterday we practiced writing the number 5, so this morning we challenge the brain of the littles and ask them to remember how to write it.
Baden to Sedsel -"I like your dress."
Sedsel to Sailor - "I like your new glasses Sailor."
Sailor to Ethan -"I like your shoes Ethan."
Ethan to Else - "You're the best person in the world."
Else to Ashlyn-"I love you Ashlyn."
Ashlyn to Luca- "I like your shirt."
Luca to River -"I like your shirt River."
River to Willow -"I like the flower in your hair."
Willow to Stella -"I like your horses on your dress."
Stella to Nora - "I like your dress."
Nora to Jack - "I like how you work hard Jack."
Jack to Narumi -"I like the polka dots on your shirt."
Narumi to Skyler - "I like the ninja on your shirt."
Skler to Thayer -"You're a good soccer player."
Thayer to Taber -"Taber, you're a good artist."
We read Bear Feels Sick, by Karma Wilson
Language Arts....
We continue to learn letters and sounds. We were reminded that there are consonants and vowels. We reviewed again the letter Ii. Today we started stations. There was a letter building station, a handwriting station to correctly write the letter I with Connie and a sentence building station where Beth would write each kids sentence and then cut it up and decide where the words belonged in the sentence.
We continue working with finger flashes and our fun, quick snap game. We are getting really good at doing the unifix cubes of 5, so we challenged the kids to do the snap with 10 cubes. Who were we kidding to think this would be a challenge....they are smart Kindergarteners!
Quiet Reading....
We had a few minutes to take a quiet break and do a little reading.
Please remind your child that we prefer that they don't bring in toys from home. We have lots to choose from in the class and home toys tend to cause too much upset among the kids. At some point we will have an assigned day for each child to bring in something for Show and Tell, its just not time for that yet. Thank you for your understanding. We really appreciate your support.
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