Morning Meeting....
What's the news?
Skyler: "I went to Washington DC and went and got that jet at an air and space museum and got to fly two flight simulators."
Zoe: "I went to Alices' table for Thanksgiving."
River: "I went to my friends house with my mom and my sister."
Narumi: "I went to CT and had thanksgiving with my family."
Ashlyn: "I getted to see my baby cousin and Michaela."
Baden: "At my birthday I heard Oscar was coming back after Christmas."
Else: "I went to my grammy and grampy's."
Jack: "We were building a igloo and Vera wrecked it, and we decided to wreck it too."
Stella: "I went to grammie's house and ate turkey."
Lenora: "I saw two deer when I was coming into school."
Willow: "This morning my kitten looked like an alien."
Ethan: "I went to Baden's birthday party."
Sailor: "I went to my papa's yesterday."
Nora: "I went on a hike at my grammie's and found something."
Taber: "Me and Jack went on a hike and after we got to have hot chocolate with marshmallows."
Beth : "I did a lot of cooking and eating and had lots of people over and it was nice."
Connie: "I spent a lot of time skiing with my family over break."

What could have 12 feet and 3 tails and sit at the pet store?
Zoe: "A doggy."
Willow: "10 Raccoons."
Beth : "Would 10 raccoons have 10 tails?"
Nora: "3 horses."
Beth : "3 bunnies."
What has 10 feet 5 tails and lives in the park?
Baden "a duck."
Ethan "a duck with 10 ducks."
Beth : "A Momma duck and her 4 ducklings."
What has 6 feet, 3 tails and lives in a tree
Narumi "Birds."
Beth "A Papa bird and 3 baby birds."
Beth drew a picture on the board and showed how you subtract...
Language Arts....
Today we reviewed our letters. We are close to finishing the alphabet. After we reviewed what we have learned so far, Ethan said "I think we can spell words with some of those letters." Beth said, "Ethan has a great idea, I wonder if he is right? Let's see, let's see." Beth put up a combination of three letter words and the kids were able to READ them!
We also learned about our new letter Kk. We looked at objects that started with K: kalidescope, key,
Skyler: "This is a jet. I made it and its very special to me."
"Where did you get it.?
S "Washington DC."
Taber "was it inside or outside?"
Skyler "Inside."
Else "Is it rubber or plastic?"
Skyler "Plastic."
Jack brought a soccer ball in from Spain.
Willow "Where did you get it."
Jack "It was sent to me."
Ethan: "It's a picture that I made."
Taber: "Where did you get the popcicle stick?"
Ethan: "My grandmother gave it to me."
Taber: I got this from the book store at the library.
Nora :where did you get it from.
T At the bookstore in the library.
Skyler "What did you make in it?"
T "I tried to get through little squares to get to mini aliens."
Zoe "What is it?"
T "Its like a alien book."
River "I got this at the Mountain with my mom.
"What were you doing racing."
River "I wasn't Racing I was skiing."
Sailor: "This is my fidget spinner and I got it at the grocery store."
Willow "I know where you got it."
Zoe, "Is it hard or soft."
Skyler "It's hard."
Else "Is it broken?"
Skyler "No."
Willow "This is a giraffe and a note book."
Stella "I got it from Costco and this from McDonalds."
Ashlyn "I like your book and giraffe."
Ehtan "My mom loves to go to Costco? Do you love to go to Costco."
Willow "No, I'ts too far away."
Stella "This is a necklace that I bought at moms work and picked it.
Willow "Where did you get it."
Stella "At moms work at baked beads."
Taber was it at the store at her work?
Stella "Yes."
Zoe "Did you wear it before?"
Stella "I wore it along time ago."
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