Morning meeting.....
Greetings are something we do everyday. It's important to be able to greet people when we meet them for the first time, or when we see each other again after not seeing each other for a period of time. We do hand shakes and looking into the persons eyes. Today we did the ball roll greeting. We roll the ball to someone in circle and each says good morning to each other
Story math is the name of today's game. We each had our own bag of money that included 10 pennies. We also had a piggy bank that we used to do the story with. Beth told a story and we collected pennies along the way adding them to our piggy bank. Then after collecting 10 pennies we got to go to the store and buy some penny candies. Subtracting from piggy bank and using our 10 cents. We followed it with a worksheet of story problems too.
Language Arts....
Letter review with Peep!? Where's Echo? Echo didn't come in today but Peep came to play. Peep reviewed letters with all of us in the class room and had kids chime in at random. We also worked with the magnet boards.
Ethan finding letters that are called out by sound.
Cape Cod with her dad.
Questions and Compliments:
Else "I like how it feels like real glass."
Thayer "It's not real glass. I'ts sea glass."
Ethan "Where did you find it?"
Thayer "My dad found it in Cape Cop Quissett."
Zoe "Why is one side scratchy and one side smooth?"
Thayer "Its the bottom of a bottle."
Willow "Was it in the sand or in the water?"
Thayer "It was in the rocks."
Luca "How many days it it take you to get there?"
Thayer "I was in Falmouth we went there a lot for they day."
Sailor shared with us her Lady Bug Purse.
Questions and Compliments:
Zoe "Do you share it with your sisters or just for yourself?"
Sailor "I share it with my sisters."
Else "Does it have 6 legs or 10?"
Sailor "7."
Sailor "7."
Taber "Which store did you get it at?"
Sailor "I don't know."
Ashlyn "I like how it i is pretty and has lots of detail."
Sailor "Thank you."
Luca "Do you ever put anything inside it?"
Sailor "No."
Ashlyn "I like how it i is pretty and has lots of detail."
Sailor "Thank you."
Luca "Do you ever put anything inside it?"
Sailor "No."
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