Morning Meeting ....
What's the news?
Taber "I got to play soccer and mountain bike."
Else "I went to the dentist and got a sticker and got to pick out a toy."
Narumi "I stayed home."
Nora "I did art yesterday."
Thayer "I don't feel good."
Jack "I got to put in a horse that gets out of the pasture on the way to school."
Sedsel "I got a doughnut for breakfast."

Sky "I have a stuffy nose."
Zoe "I only ate one candy at Halloween.
Ash "I got to take care of a baby kitten."
Baden "Me and Jack won the championship game of basketball."
Willow "I sleep with my kitten every night."

Sailor "I got my glasses yesterday."
Beth "I'm getting excited for my birthday."
Connie "I'm excited to go watch the high school boys play soccer."
Math ....
In math we build numbers on tens frames with candy corn! After we were done building our numbers we got to eat them! Yum!
Language Arts......
We started out with letter matching with partners. We learned a new letter, Ss. Reviewed objects like: sock, sponge, snake, sunglasses, soup, spool, spoon, straw scissors, string, salamander, stick, seven, six, screw, soldiers. Then we followed up with a worksheet of cutting and pasting objects that had the beginning letter S.
Today we learned that Else could read! Way to go Else!!!!!
You've shown your peers that we can all be readers.
Free Choice/Recess....
Creating a garden. Lots of cooperation occurred today when we were outside for some free choice time. Sedsel and Narumi were very busy working in the sand box. They came over to Beth and Connie and said "Come look at what we did!" Beth asked "what is this?" Connie said "Great creation. This looks beautiful." Narumi said "its a garden. The plants are growing."
Today in Spanish the kids made Calavera Masks. The masks are suppose to represent the people who have passed away. It is believed that the gates of heaven are opened at midnight on October 31, and the spirts of all deceased children (angelitos) are allowed to reunite with their families for 24 hours. On November 2, the spirtis of the adults come down to enjoy the festivities that are prepared for them.
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