Play dough
Number bingo
Morning Meeting....We did a morning chant... "Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?"
Pete the Cat Scuba Cat by James Dean. "Pete the Cat’s world to life under the sea in this new I Can Read book.Pete the Cat is going scuba diving!"
Matching shapes with partners. We had a special guest today, Elizabeth Tarno (5/6 grade teacher). She came in to observe our math. We did our usual finger flash game, but today's twist was to make one less finger flash to the number they saw on the card.
We did our white board game where we take our dice, roll and then write one less than the total of their two dice. So if you rolled a 6 you would take one away, that would be 5, you write that number on your white board. You do that 4 times then go up and show Beth and if your numbers are written correctly you get a sticker.
Language Arts.....
We are writing words!!!! How did this happen so quickly?? Today we got white boards and had three straight lines across the middle. Beth would show us a letter card and we would write that letter on our line. After three cards, we had a word!! PET, SIT, TOP, etc. They loved being able to sound out the letters and then read the words!
Ashlyn brought in a poodle. Its nice and fluff and really cute and this is a lily flower, I got it from the dollar store."
Willow "i like your dog and flower."
Ashyn "Thanks."
Else "Is the poodle smiling or not?"
Ashlyn "Smiling."
Sedsel "This is a buddha necklace."
Zoe "Where did you get it?
Sedse "My dad gave it to me."
Skyler "I wish I had one of those."
Narumi "Does it change colors?
Sedsel "Yes it does."
We posted our goals on balloons! They are floating in our classroom so that we can remind ourselves what our goals are!
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