Glitter glue creations.
Willow soaking up the early reader books.
Playdough. Ethan and Narumi worked on creating their names using playdough.
Stella brought in a special shell that she got at the ocean. Many friends had lots of great questions.
Stella "I don't remember."
Else "Why did you color it?"
Stella "I like purple."
Luca "What was the ocean called?"
Stella "I don't remember."
Ethan "Do you know what the shell is called?
Stella "A clam shell."
Thayer "Was it in a Vermont beach or a different beach?"
Stella "Different beach."
River "Did you find it in the water or in the shore?"
Zoe "I brought in an owl pellet. It shows you what it ate." She walked around showing the class.
Thayer "Where did you find it?"
Zoe "I found it right behind my house."
Jack "was it in the woods?"
Zoe "It was in the trash."
Willow "Is it a rat or a mouse?"
Zoe "A mouse."
Ethan "'That is a cute mouse."
Ashlyn "It's a funny mouse."
Narumi "Why does it still have fur on it."
Zoe "The owl can't eat up all the fur."
Else "It seemed a little scary but not that scary."
Zoe "Sometimes its a little scary."
River "Why didn't the owl eat the bones."
Zoe "He did not because he didn't want to."
Morning Greeting .....
High five greeting. Everyone exchanges a high five to their neighbor. Then we counted by 10's. Every one held up both hands and we went around the room counting by 10's. Then we counted by 10's on our toes. Then we counted fingers and toes by 10's and there are 380 fingers and toes in our class.
Ashlyn and Baden high five and say Good morning to each other.
In math we built numbers using cubes. We had 5 on one line and then we had to add other cubes to the second line. Beth would say "add 3 more cubes, who many is that all together?" We did this many times. We have also been practicing the number 10.
Book Corner....
Bob by Tracey Campbell Pearson. Inspired by a pep talk from a cat, a rooster named Bob who's been spending his days merely clucking and never crowing flies the coop to find his true voice. Along the way, he meets many animals who teach him their sounds - but unfortunately not the one he's looking for. Away from the farm all night long, Bob is greeted early in the morning by just the right noise. It's dark by the time he gets back to the hen house, and when a dangerous fox intrudes, Bob has an urgent reason to try his new crow before daybreak - but "cock-a-doodle-do" alone may not be enough to do the trick.
Winter is Coming by Tony Johnston. "Witness the changing of a season through a watchful child’s eyes in this story of nature and discovery."
Language Arts....
Letter matching! Always a favorite activity among the littles. We are so excited to work around the classroom to find our letter partner. Letter review with Echo. There is something about a puppet that can really get the attention of the class. Echo doesn't visit every day, but when he does, the kids really love seeing him. Echo reviewed all the letters with the class that we have learned so far. We practiced writing the letter R in our books.
Today we started talking about structure. We read the story The Three Little Pigs. This was just the start of talking about how engineers create structures. The story about the Three Little Pigs opened up discussion about when something doesn't work, engineers try to make something better. We will be creating our own structures and we will be seeing if the Big Bad Wolf can knock it all down. Stay tuned for more on this.
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