Friday, January 3, 2020

Happy New Year! Welcome 2020!

Welcome back and Happy New Year!! 
We hope your winter break was restful.  

Our last ECO day was the Friday before our winter break. We did a project that would leave critters a little love. We made tree ornaments, made from rice cakes, peanut butter and bird seeds. I wonder what critters would come and eat our yummy treats? As usual, we had some forest choice time. Playing and romping through the snow, using our incredible imaginations.

Not all shapes are the same. But there are many who have the same number of sides. What's the difference?  We made some comparisons of the shapes.

Counting to 100 with a twist! Counting but when Beth stops counting, you have to be able to tell what number comes after the number she stopped at.

What comes next? This was a worksheet that we all had a chance to do. Some of it was shapes, some of it was numbers.

Counting caterpillar.....Put the caterpillar in order from 1-20. Then count 1-20 and backwards 20-1.

Language Arts......
We have learned almost all of our letters. Today we learned the letter Yy. Yellow, yak, yarn, yawn, yogurt, yo-yo, yam. We did a worksheet that followed up with our Yy lesson.  We continue to review all the letters in the alphabet.

Our first Ski/Ride day is Thursday, January 9th. Please make sure your child's equipment is labeled properly. Duct tape with their name on their skis, boots, snowboards, etc. Make sure your child has proper clothing. Warm, dry socks, mittens, warm layers, snow pants, jacket, face mask of sort, goggles, helmet.

We occasionally have kids who forget their snack, or are extra hungry. If you are able to send in something that we can keep for those needs, we appreciate the help. Pretzels, crackers, goldfish, granola bars, etc are a few ideas. Thank you for your help.

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