Monday, December 11, 2017


Morning Meeting.....
Composting Assembly this morning. We met in the gym to discuss the new composting system we will be participating in. Ask your child what "can" go into the compost and what "does NOT" go into the compost.
High five all about seeing your neighbor and passing a high five and saying "good morning".  A great way to start the day.

Today we worked on describing and communicating positions of shapes using the words above, below, beside, in front of, next to and behind. 
We worked with partners while directions were given about where to "position" our bodies using the key words as described above.

Language Arts....
We reviewed all the letters of the alphabet that we have learned. We also learned a new letter Yy. Yellow crayon, yarn, yellow marker, yak, yams, yo-yo.

We can be teachers too! And teachers we are. We reviewed all the letters one at a time, each letter having a different child being the one to teach it to us then we repeat what we learned.

We read A Hat for Mrs. Goldman by Michelle Edwards. "[A] celebration of winter mitzvahs, or kind deeds. Karas’s adorable, radiant art adds to the heartwarming mood." 

We continue to talk about ways to be kind to others. It is important to continue this conversation at home as well as at school. Great lessons are being learned throughout the day about kindness, great habits to carry on as they get older too.

River "When I went on a play date with Baden he gave me this batman."
Zoe "Did he give you anything else?"
Stella "Is that a toy?"
River "Yes."
Thayer "Did he want it or was he being nice?"
River "Did not want it."

Ethan "a little cannon and this is the case."
Luca "Where did you get it?"
Ethan "I don't know."
Taber "How old is it?"
Ethan "I don't know."
Lenora "Is that a tire stuck on the bottom of it?"
Ethan "No it's the bottom of it."

Else brought in a picture of her and her cousin Amber.
Lenora "how old is your cousin?"
Else "16. That's like a teenager."
Willow "what is her name?
Else "Amber but I call her Am B."
Ashlyn "Where did you get it?"
Else "My grammy or mommy or daddy."

Snacks Snacks....We could use some snacks if you have the time to do so. Clementines, Goldfish, Granola Bars, Pretzels are all great. Thank you in advance for your help.

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