Friday, February 24, 2017

Pajama Day

There is no better way to spend the last day before break, than to do so in your PJ's....

.....Cozy and reading with buddies!

Great job to our Royal Readers this week! Thank you for sharing your Pigeon stories.

Royal Reader Willis!

Royal Reader McCartney!

And don't let the Pigeon party too much!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

More About George

Books we've read....                

  Good Driving, Amelia Bedelia by Herman Parish    
A funny story, Watch out! Mr. Rodgers didn't know what kind of a ride he was in for with Amelia Bedelia. Only she can make a car trip this fun!

 George Washington America's First President by Justin McCory Martin

A bit of history about our First President. Lots of fun facts. Kids really got into this!

We did a wonderful writing project about George Washington. Each child wrote a fact about George Washington as well as a picture that went along with what they wrote. Lots of good facts. They will be posted in the classroom for anyone who would like to check them out. Lots of hard work went into these pieces!

Sharing continues to be a hit! Thank you friends for bringing in something special to share with your classmates. 

In math we counted to 100 orally today as a class.  Then we played a game called what comes next?  I say a number like 7 and the kids write what comes next.  We are even trying some harder numbers like 32 and 76!  After that I told a story about a squirrel hiding nuts.  He had 10 nuts that he keeps hiding and I keep finding some.  The kids have to figure out how many nuts are still hidden.  If he hides 10 nuts and I find 3 of them, how many are still hidden?  These are all great games that you can play with your kids at home to strengthen their math skills.

Tomorrow is "Pajama Day"! So, let your kiddos sleep in  a little longer and let them roll right out of bed and come to school rested, relaxed and ready to go. There is a whole school reading party as well from 1:00-1:45pm. We will be reading with our buddies during this time.

Thank you to those who have brought in snacks to share with our class. If anyone is interested in bringing in a snack to share with the class, we welcome them always.

We REALLY appreciate it! So do your kids.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

George Washington

 In Language Arts we are learning about non-fiction and fiction books. We are also learning how to write our numbers (1-10) correctly. We have also been doing a great job reading! We split up each day to work in our reading groups. Kids are really doing a great job! 
We are also working on our sight words. Each kid has their own key ring of sight words and read through them every day.

We are learning a little bit about our very first President, George Washington, in honor of President's day. We read two books about George Washington, A Picture Book of George Washington by David A. Adler.
We also Read George Washington and the General's Dog by Frank Murphy.

In math we have been continuing to work on number bonds and number sentences.  We are also working on the learning to read and write the teen numbers,  We have been playing mystery games where I show some cubes and then hide some cubes behind my back and the kids need to figure out how many cubes are hidden!  It's tricky!

Thank you Fiona, Bodhi and Earl for sharing in class today. Nice job speaking to the class and then taking "questions" and "compliments" about what you shared.

I had the chance to watch these awesome kids doing some yoga poses in P.E. today. So cute!

Friday, February 17, 2017

The Heart

Sharing with Ryder and Mazie. 

Language Arts, Royal Reader's!

We have moved on from community members being the Royal Readers to all of us being Royal Reader's. We have been working very hard on being Authors and Illustrators. After reading a book by Mo Willems, The Pigeon Needs a Bath, we began to write our own Pigeon books based on the ending of the book. Half the class had a chance to share their books that they have been working on. A couple friends thought it was a little "embarrassing" to sit in front of everyone to share, but it was "fun" too. Nice job writing your books and sharing with the class kids!

Science is so fun!!!! We were challenged today to make rocks (aka: blocks) move from one side of the room to the other, using only thick paper, string, tape and rubber bands. It could be a push or pull force that we could use. Great inventions were made, successful too!

Health class with Deidra.... we learned about the most important muscle in our body, the Heart! We had the opportunity to use stethescopes to listen to our own heart as well as listen to our friends hearts too. We found our pulses in our neck and our wrists, tricky, but cool when we found it.

In math we made number bonds with goldfish crackers.  Everyone had ten crackers and we learned about all of the partners to ten, like 4+6 and 7+3.  Then we did a fun caterpillar page filling in missing numbers on the caterpillars fuzz balls!  We even had to write some teen numbers!  

We could use some more snacks for the class if anyone can provide some. We like cheerios, pretzels, bars, fruit snacks, clementines, etc. Thank you for helping our our hungry friends!