Friday, May 5, 2017

Bones and Muscles

Language Arts....
In Language Arts we started something new and exciting...Readers Theater! We started off by getting our scripts for the play we will be doing in June (more info to come later on). There are two plays and kids are split up into small groups.  Each of the kids will have a part that they will be practicing.  So much excitement. Stay tuned for more info.

Health class with Deirdre.....
All kids got a card that had a picture of a food group on it. We discussed what the food group does for our bodies.  Today was focused on trying different foods. "It is the only way you will be able to decide if you like it or not, by trying different foods." Deirdre will come around during breakfast or lunch to hand out stickers that say "I tried it!"  We also did an exercise for each food group and how it helps our body, which was a review of what we did last with Deirdre. She also read the book D.W. the Picky Eater  by Marc Brown.
Smiling lunges, for dairy! Good for teeth and bones.

Science lab today involved learning about muscles and bones. We had a story called Me and My Amazing Body by Joan Sweeney. We then split into small groups to talk about the muscles and bones. We had a chance to look at a couple of model bones to feel what it is like and see what it looks like on the inside of the bone. We also had a chance to manipulate the model arm and watch the interaction of the muscle (the rubber bands) and bone (the cardboard pieces).

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