Friday, January 12, 2018


Morning Activities...

Morning Meeting....
Reading the chart and recognizing sentences. How many words in a sentence? Who knows what is at the end of a sentence? (We recognized periods and a question mark.) Today's activity was to write a lower case letter.  We played a roll the ball greeting. We roll the ball across the way to a friend and say good morning to that friend. Using eye contact and being friendly when you see people are great social skills.

Books we read....

Counting 0-20, 20-0, by 10's. Kids have to chance to volunteer standing in front of the class and counting on their own. Counting are great activities to do with your child any time, and it takes just a couple minutes. Feel free to ask your child to count when you're in the car, going for a walk, at dinner time, etc. We also reviewed measuring and how some things are about the same. Beth demonstrated with two clay balls, that one stayed the ball and one was flat or torn apart and it turns out they are still the same! Then she turned one ball of clay into a snake and one stayed the ball.
Jack "they are the same amount of clay. Just in a different shape."
Capacity..... Yes we are teaching the kids about "Capacity." Using measuring cups we are learning about how much capacity a cup has.

Mad Libs! 
Baden came into class today asking about MadLibs. So we started talking about nouns, verbs and adjectives. So fun to do these activities and the kids LOVE it! Here are some words that were used...
shirt, mushy, shoe, slimy, Nose, dance, hop, finger, food, leg, clown, green, dog, furry.

My Pet
For my birthday my parents bought me a pet SHIRT. He is so cute that I named him MUSHY. He has a really long SHOE and I love to pet his GOLD skin. I bought him a SLIMY collar that he wears around his NOSE. And I'm teaching him to dance and to come when I HOP. Every time he does a trick, I say "Good FINGER!" and feed him a FOOD. Next , I'm going to teach him to catch a Frisbee in his LEG. Every night, he sleeps on a CLOWN right next to my GREEN bed. And in the morning, he rubs his DOG on me to wake me up. What a FURRY pet!

Free choice....
 Oscar and Baden, looking at books.

 Exploring with Sylers creation. "it can roll down the slide!"
Jack "I'll catch it!"

 Ashlyn "come to my hair salon. I will fix your hair."

Girls playing house.

 Taber "I made some decorations."

 Luca "check out my beard."
Connie "5 and 1/2 is making you really old."
Beth "I think you need to shave. There's a razor in the house." 
Luca started a trend with the boys. others made their own beards. 

Baden's version of Sensei Woo.


Lloyd Garmidon the Green Ninja

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