Friday, January 26, 2018

Writing Letters

Morning Activities...

Writing, coloring and stamping.

Number Bingo!

Language Arts....
How many letters are in the Alphabet? Many of us began counting the letters on the chart we have on the wall. We counted all together and found that there are 26 letters in the alphabet. We recognized what the vowels are and talked about the consonants!

We are going to learn about equal. What does equal mean?
Zoe "if you have 4 and you have 5, you can get rid of one and then you have 4 and 4."
Oscar "its a math word."
Beth "sometimes adding two numbers EQUALS a different number. Show me with your fingers that equal 5."
Kids "3 fingers plus 2 fingers equals 5."
Beth "how many ways can you make 6?"

Writing Corner....
"You've Got Mail!" We started working on letter writing today. It has seemed to be a "thing" the past couple weeks where kids have been giving each other notes, or making cards for family. They have been asking for envelopes, how to write words and names, drawing pictures, etc. Today we brought out our mail station, fully equipped with a mailbox, paper, envelopes and "stamps". We learned about writing "To" and "From" and writing a message in their letter. Then putting it in an envelope and write the name of the person who the letter is "To." We put a stamp on it. And we put it in the mailbox.

Mail center supplied with writing paper, envelopes, stamps and mail box. 

Busily writing letters to family, friends and teachers.

Big Max  by Kin Platt

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