Friday, May 11, 2018

Green Up Clean Up

Morning Activities....

Book Corner....
Froggy Goes to Bed by Jonathan London. Froggy hops, flops, and zips from one bedtime ritual to another to avoid going to bed when Momma Frog wants him to.

Froggy Gets Dressed by Jonathan London. Even though it's winter and frogs are supposed to hibernate, Froggy insists on going out to play in the snow. But dressing is not that easy and his sleepy mother must keep calling him back to put on something he's forgotten.

Give It A Push, GIve It A Pull. You push a swing. Your brother pulls a wagon. Forces are at work all around you. But what exactly is a force? And how do forces act on different objects? 

We are using all kinds of scientifc language. Friction, force, pushes and pulls and how they all affect everything. Today we focused on collision! What is Collision?  Zoe "It is when two things bump into each other they stop."
Does collision make things go faster? "NO!" Sometimes collision makes things stop, it can make things go in a different direction. 
Today we created a ramp and the task was how can we get a block to go up without touching it. We had a chance to invent something to move their block from the bottom to the top without touching it. 
We had a block a piece of thick/stiff paper, scissors, tape, string, etc. Let the engineering minds create!!!

Green Up at Warren School...
We had our very own school wide Green Up! We had a little ceremony with a poem and movement. Then we split up into groups and went around school grounds and picked up litter. Hopefully you can do the same, your child is already conditioned to help if you want to clean up in your area. 

Gathering with our buddies to go gather trash. We partnered with Elizabeth Tarno's 5th/6th grade class.

Oh my! Lots of trash along the Slow Road up to the school.
Nice job kids!!!

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